Mahayana Bodhi Vows – essentially are Boddhisattva Vows to liberate sentinent beings – once made cannot be broken.
There are no fixed rules on making Bodhi
Vows – as each Buddha and each Boddhisattva have their individual Vows to
liberate sentinent beings which are different from one another.
Once the Bodhi Vows are made, it become
Divine and will be blessed and protected by Dharma Protectors of 10 directions
of 10 realms.
If under tremendous difficulty or
obstacles or hindrance or stress when carrying out the Bodhi Vows and decide to
renounce or temporary renounce the carrying out of Bodhi Vows, karma will come
– almost immediately.
For example, experiencing the splitting
up of the body (4 Great Elements of the Body) – where the body subjected to
extreme bodily pain like :-
- Excruciating pain in the neck muscle
- Pain that go deep into the bone
- Constipation
- Extreme cold to the point of whole body shivering.
- Cold sweat
- Insomnia – where the pain is akin to body start splitting up.
All the pain will stop miraculously, when
One realized that these are the karma relating to renouncing of the Bodhi Vows
where One made – and decide to reinstate or re-continue the Bodhi Vows.
Such experience can be verified by the
experience that 观世音菩萨 had
undergone when She was carrying out her Boddhisattva Vows. She encountered
extreme difficulty at one point in liberating sentinent beings and decide to
give out. At the point when She did that, according to the recorded sutra, Her
body breaks into thousand pieces and she suffered tremendous physical pain.
this happen, 阿弥陀佛 appear
and He expound the discourse of Boddhisattva Vows once made cannot be broken
and have to be carried out regardless of whatever trials and tribulations,
whatever difficulties and hindrances or obstacles One encountered. Otherwise
karma of bodily (4 Great Elements) breaking up will occur.
heard the discourse, 观世音菩萨
repented Her decision to renounce Her Boddhisattva Vows and 阿弥陀佛 is able to transformed Her karma of body
breaking apart into thousands of hands and eyes of Wisdom to perpetuate all 10
realms (and all the sub-realms) – to help to liberate all sentinent beings to
fulfil Her Boddhisattva Vows.
Some Arahats who
decide to become Boddhisattvas to liberate sentinent beings after seeing the
sufferings of sentinent beings also realise such body break up when they
renounce their Boddhisattva Vows.
One famous Arahat
who want to be Boddhisattva was tested by a Heavenly Realm Being to dig out his
eye to mix with medicine to save him. The Arahat did so. But the Heavenly Being
took his eye and stomp on his eye and exclaim that the Arahat gave him the
wrong eye and demanded the other eye. The Arahat was furious and exclaim that
He cannot continue with His Boddhisattva Vow because sentinent being are too
ignorance to be liberated.
At this point,
the Heavenly Realm Being manifest himself and tell the Arahat that he is not
ready to be a Boddhisattva.
It is noted that
both examples of 观世音菩萨 and Arahat – of
bodily (4 Great Elements) breaking up when the Bodhi Vows are renounced – can
be experienced in human realm. Such as the bodily pain described above – so
excruciating that the body is like splitting up. It can be miraculously stop,
once the renouncement of Bodhi Vows are terminated and decide to continue with
the Bodhi Vows.
Bodhi Vows must
be fulfilled even to its Eternality – as it is Divine and it cannot be
Thus the Bodhi
Vows below – that surpass all Buddhas and all Boddhisattvas ever made – must be
fulfilled even to its Eternality (hopefully in this Universe – and if cannot be
fulfilled will continue into the next Universe or up to infinity Universe –
until the Bodhi Vows are fulfilled in FULL).
But all Buddhas and Boddhisattvas only can 度有缘人。
But all Buddhas and Boddhisattvas only can 度有缘人。
无缘人,不是不度,是不受度 - 而白白错失了机会。
无缘人只能等到有缘才能度。(Which usually means they will have to undergo their karma and realise their sufferings and look for spiritual reliefs).
无缘人只能等到有缘才能度。(Which usually means they will have to undergo their karma and realise their sufferings and look for spiritual reliefs).
十方十法界(六道众生、声闻-四圣人、缘觉- 辟支佛、菩萨、佛) 加持及普渡
If all 10 directions
6 realms fail to attain Emptiness, I Vow not to gain Buddhahood.
Until all 10
directions sentinent beings are liberated & gain Full Enlightenment, will I
enter into Final Nirvana.
10 direction of 10
Dharma realms (6 sentinent beings realms, Saints, Paccekas, Bodhisattvas &
Buddhas) provide Blessings & Support.
The 3 Vows to
liberate begin from my country, my earth, my universe.