Thursday, October 17, 2013

Karma of renouncing Mahayana Bodhi Vows

Mahayana Bodhi Vows – essentially are Boddhisattva Vows to liberate sentinent beings – once made cannot be broken.

There are no fixed rules on making Bodhi Vows – as each Buddha and each Boddhisattva have their individual Vows to liberate sentinent beings which are different from one another.

Once the Bodhi Vows are made, it become Divine and will be blessed and protected by Dharma Protectors of 10 directions of 10 realms.

If under tremendous difficulty or obstacles or hindrance or stress when carrying out the Bodhi Vows and decide to renounce or temporary renounce the carrying out of Bodhi Vows, karma will come – almost immediately.

For example, experiencing the splitting up of the body (4 Great Elements of the Body) – where the body subjected to extreme bodily pain like :-
  1. Excruciating pain in the neck muscle
  2. Pain that go deep into the bone
  3. Constipation
  4. Extreme cold to the point of whole body shivering.
  5. Cold sweat
  6. Insomnia – where the pain is akin to body start splitting up.

All the pain will stop miraculously, when One realized that these are the karma relating to renouncing of the Bodhi Vows where One made – and decide to reinstate or re-continue the Bodhi Vows.

Such experience can be verified by the experience that 观世音菩萨 had undergone when She was carrying out her Boddhisattva Vows. She encountered extreme difficulty at one point in liberating sentinent beings and decide to give out. At the point when She did that, according to the recorded sutra, Her body breaks into thousand pieces and she suffered tremendous physical pain.
When this happen, 阿弥陀佛 appear and He expound the discourse of Boddhisattva Vows once made cannot be broken and have to be carried out regardless of whatever trials and tribulations, whatever difficulties and hindrances or obstacles One encountered. Otherwise karma of bodily (4 Great Elements) breaking up will occur.
Having heard the discourse, 观世音菩萨 repented Her decision to renounce Her Boddhisattva Vows and 阿弥陀佛 is able to transformed Her karma of body breaking apart into thousands of hands and eyes of Wisdom to perpetuate all 10 realms (and all the sub-realms) – to help to liberate all sentinent beings to fulfil Her Boddhisattva Vows.

Some Arahats who decide to become Boddhisattvas to liberate sentinent beings after seeing the sufferings of sentinent beings also realise such body break up when they renounce their Boddhisattva Vows.
One famous Arahat who want to be Boddhisattva was tested by a Heavenly Realm Being to dig out his eye to mix with medicine to save him. The Arahat did so. But the Heavenly Being took his eye and stomp on his eye and exclaim that the Arahat gave him the wrong eye and demanded the other eye. The Arahat was furious and exclaim that He cannot continue with His Boddhisattva Vow because sentinent being are too ignorance to be liberated.
At this point, the Heavenly Realm Being manifest himself and tell the Arahat that he is not ready to be a Boddhisattva.

It is noted that both examples of 观世音菩萨 and Arahat – of bodily (4 Great Elements) breaking up when the Bodhi Vows are renounced – can be experienced in human realm. Such as the bodily pain described above – so excruciating that the body is like splitting up. It can be miraculously stop, once the renouncement of Bodhi Vows are terminated and decide to continue with the Bodhi Vows.
Bodhi Vows must be fulfilled even to its Eternality – as it is Divine and it cannot be compromised.

Thus the Bodhi Vows below – that surpass all Buddhas and all Boddhisattvas ever made – must be fulfilled even to its Eternality (hopefully in this Universe – and if cannot be fulfilled will continue into the next Universe or up to infinity Universe – until the Bodhi Vows are fulfilled in FULL).

But all Buddhas and Boddhisattvas only can 度有缘人。
无缘人,不是不度,是不受度 - 而白白错失了机会。
无缘人只能等到有缘才能度。(Which usually means they will have to undergo their karma and realise their sufferings and look for spiritual reliefs).

(大悲, 大愿)





十方十法(六道众生、声闻-圣人、缘觉- 辟支佛、菩萨、佛) 加持普渡

If all 10 directions 6 realms fail to attain Emptiness, I Vow not to gain Buddhahood.

Until all 10 directions sentinent beings are liberated & gain Full Enlightenment, will I enter into Final Nirvana.

10 direction of 10 Dharma realms (6 sentinent beings realms, Saints, Paccekas, Bodhisattvas & Buddhas) provide Blessings & Support.

The 3 Vows to liberate begin from my country, my earth, my universe.




Friday, October 4, 2013

Where do humans come from? Where do humans go back to?

Let all go back to the basics.

Where do humans come from? (人往何出来?)
Where do humans go back to? (人回到那里去?)

Answer :-

- 人从凡恼来。(Human and all Sentinent Beings - come from stray thoughts or vexation) - Samsara -  because when we have stray thoughts anchor in 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Attachment to Ego or Greed, Hatred and Anger - we become Samsara bound - through vicious cycle of rebirth without respite - under the Universal Law of Karma - good or bad - as long as there is even 1 stray thought.

- 回去无凡恼的地方去。。(Human and all Sentinent Beings - should go back to State of No Stray Thoughts or No vexation) - Nirvana enwrap the entire Universe.

Universal Law means =凡恼是菩提 --- Samsara (Sea of Sufferings - Law of 12 Dependant Origination of Life or Adam & Eve)
Nirvana (No Birth, No Death, Karma cease to operate - Eternal Peace).

Samsara of stray thoughts (is illusion)

有凡恼, 是凡人。(Have stray thoughts or vexation, is humans or sentinent beings) - Samsara (Sea of Sufferings of endless rebirth in 6 realms due to karma)
没凡恼, 是圣人。(No stray thoughts or vexation, are Saints) - Nirvana (No Birth, No Death, No karma)
超凡入圣,脱胎换骨 (Transcend from human or Samsara to Saints or Nirvana, Transform womb to Lotus, and change human skeleton or form to 4 Great Elements of Nirvana)

Graphical repreentation of this Dualistic States (Samsara and Nirvana) :-

Like Sun

or Dharma Wheel

or in Spiritual Enlightenment
where Bodhi Heart - is the core to Supreme Enlightenment !!!

修心唯上乘。(Practice and internalise in the Heart - is Supreme, Highest Grade)
修法唯中乘。(Practice through Teachings - is Intermediate Grade)
修戒唯下乘。(Practice through Precepts - is Lowest Grade)

There are many Dharma ways (or many religions) or religious practices and methods to attain the Supreme Enlightenment.

Supreme Enlightenment is a neutral Universal Law - which is not the sole properties of any religions.

Some people or group of people, by their nature or characteristics are more adapt to certain Dharma ways or religions or religious practices and methods to attain the Supreme Enlightenment (which is a neutral Universal Law).

Understanding this and internalise this is the Attainment of "Perception and Non-Perception" - ie. going beyond "label" - and is the Attanment of Formless Heavenly Realm of "Perception and Non-Perception".

There are reasons why this karma of sharing with the Church :-

(1) Western people are more open, receptive to new ideas, democratic form of free speeches.

(2) Western people have been sharing science and technologies with the rest of the World.

(3) The past history and karma of Arahats sharing the Dharma and Universal Law of Supreme Enlightenment with the Prophet Jesus.

修心唯上乘。(Practice and internalise in the Heart - is Supreme, Highest Grade)
修法唯中乘。(Practice through Teachings - is Intermediate Grade)
修戒唯下乘。(Practice through Precepts - is Lowest Grade)

So now let share the  Practice and Internalisation in the Heart - the Supreme, Highest Grade to Attain Supreme Enlightenment.

The unedited and pure form of using the Bodhi Heart, the core to attain Supreme Enlightenment through recitation is as follows:-

心經  (Heart Sutra)
觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 舍利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舍利子‧是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不淨 不增不減 是故空中無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色聲香味觸法 無眼界乃至無意識界 無無明 亦無無明盡 乃至無老死 亦無老死盡 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得 以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅盤 三世諸佛 依般若波羅蜜多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多 是大神咒 是大明咒 是無上咒 是無等等咒 能除一切苦 真實不虛 故說般若波羅蜜多咒‧即說咒曰‧揭諦‧揭諦‧波羅揭諦‧波羅僧揭諦‧菩提薩婆訶

This is the layman and pictorial explanation of :-

Bodhi Heart is the Core of attaining Supreme Enlightenment.

The layman explanation of 心經 (Heart Sutra).

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Misunderstanding of Exorcism by most faiths

Recently, a couple of news on Exorcism come up practise by quite a number of religions. And the understanding of exorcism based on reported or explained by many religions are as follow :-

"Exorcism is the practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area they are believed to have possessed."

I think this is not correctly understood - as it can be explained in scientific, psychological, engineering and paranormal Supramudane term.

Without proper understanding of this phenonmenon, Exorcism will be misconstrued - because most of this phenonmenon are related to mental faculty and not physical faculty - as defined by the understanding of most faiths above.

Since the topic on Exorcism did not have a "posting" column, I will post it here.


Now to first undestand why people encounter "demons or other spiritual entities" - and believe they are being possessed by them - we have to understand mental faculties - specifically the 5 mental aggregates of - consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation.


Next, we used engineering, physics and scientific principles - radio frequencies and channels of receiver and transmitter pair - to explain the phenonmenon of why some people behave or see things abnormally - where psychologist and psychiatrists fail to explain and treat ---- specifically the paranormal or supramudane phenonmenon.

Where in Universal Law - called it 小化身 or in engineering term :-

- A mobile phone set (transmitter) make a call setup with a call manager - where the call manager establish the source of the call and destination of the call, will ring up the destination phone set (the receiver) and establish the call via the right radio frequency and pick up the call.

- or like a video conference call (transmitter) using the right channel to establish the right destination video conference call (receiver) and the video image of the recevier and the transmitter are established


Now let explain why people see and behave abnormally (if psychologist or psychiatrist) establish that the person is not due to mental sickness?

In Paranormal or Supramundane term, the following activities take place :-

A person mental faculty - is governed by 5 mental aggregates of :-

(1) 1st mental aggregate - Consciousness - eg. eye consciousness, ear consciousness, taste consciousness, touch consciousness, smell consciousness. This form a stimuli - which in supramundane term is call "zen" - when such consciousness go beyond mundane consciousness - and activated the supramundane subconsciousness. When this stimuli consciousness - only provide mundane consciousness - most human react normally.

But when a human is good in mind training or mind practice - especially in meditaion - it unravel all the potential of subconsciousness and supramundane consciousness (or in engineering or physics or scientific term - the radio frequency or channel - not detected by normal human) - and go into a different realms (paranormal realms or supramundane realms).

Paranormal realms - are usually unwholesome realms - such as hell realms, hungry ghosts realms, asura realms.

Supramundane realms - are usually wholesome realms - such as Heavenly realms (eg, Sensual Desire Heavenly realms, Form Heavenly realms, Formless Heavenly realms) or Nirvana realm.

(2) 2nd mental aggregate - feelings eg. lousy feelings, good feelings, neutral feelings - experience by human after receving the stimuli of mundane consciousness or supramudane consciousness.

(3) 3rd mental aggregate - perception - as human receive the stimuli of conscicousness, develop feelings - will based on their perception - develop a picture that help them to understand what is presented to them.

But for people who encounter paranormal or supramundane sentinent beings or enter into these realms - will react differently - mostly not understood by human beings. Thus people tend to claim that this people are possessed or have mental problems.

(4) 4th mental aggregate - judgement. Based on the person's perception and their past experience - with the stimuli consciousness recevied and the feelings they experienced - people will form judgment.

But for this people that have not encounter such paranormal experience or supramundane experience - what judgement will they form? Of course, they will form judgement based on the paranormal realms or supramundane realms they are in based on their interaction with the sentinent beings of that realms.

Thus human with them will discover how come he or she behave strangely - not how a human should behave.

(5) 5th mental aggregate - mental formation - that result in speeches or actions. Based on the 5 mental aggregates the person recevied, they will behave like the sentinent beings of the paranormal realms or supramundane realms.


Note :- people not trained in mediation or master the mediation - but experience funny behaviour normally come into contact and enter into paranomal realms and encounter the sentinent beings of other realms - because their balance of 5 mental aggregate faculties - some how are synch with that particular realm frequencies or channel.

A balance of all the mental faculties to enter into respective realms need to be in place. (ie. the right radio frequency or TV channel need to be in place - in order for human to communicate and coexist with the different realms).

Normally, other sentinent beings of other realms cannot enter and possess a human body. (Only bacteria, viruses or worms enter into a human body). It is the synching of radio frequency or channel - that cause them to be in the "receive" or "transmit" mode - and see them in a different realms - and not seen by people who are with them. Thus people think that they are having mental problem or they are possessed.

Don't use exorcism - ie. to expel them - they will wallop you - if they possess more power than you. Talk to them nicely like talking to any friends and alleviate their sufferings.

To treat such people with funny behaviour :-

(1) Always bring them to see psychiatrist or psychologist first. By using medication, can change their brain chemical to balance their mental faculties and bring them into human realm.

(2) If this people are not due to mental problem, thie people are usually trained in meditaion and has maintain a focus point or enter into a radio frequency or channel - that cause him to enter into trance or other realms called 小化身 .

To help such people in this state, try to break their focus so that their balance of mental faculties to enter into a trance or other realms are broken, and they will slowly transcend back into human realm.

Don't need a priest or religious person to do it - as long as one understand the engineering principles and human behaviour.

But if people feel more at ease with a priest or religious person to do it - then no harm going for it.


For example, some novice may be tuning and scanning the air for a radio frequency and happen to chance upon a foreign air broadcasting and receiving the broadcast when the radio frequency synch with the foreign air.

Or a novice switch or scan a TV channel and happen to synch with a foreign TV broadcast when chance upon and synch with the foreign TV channel.

Similarly, when a person happen to balance his or her mental faculty of his or her 5 mental aggregates and receive stimuli of paranormal or supramundane consciousness - he or she will behave abnormally and synch with the paranormal or supramundane environment and start communicating with the sentinent beings over there. People around with such person - who are not synch with the paranormal or supramundane environment may thus not be able to appreciate why this person behave abnormally.

Or when people are exposed to an environment eg. haunted house - their 5 sense consciousness will be exposed to the paranormal or supramundane consciousness. For some people who are particular sensitive (stronger paranormal 5 mental aggregates receiver), will be able to pick up the paranormal or supramundane consciousness and start communicating with the sentinent beings over there.

Thus it is a very scientific explanation of "being possessed" that are wrongly understood - and lead to "exorcism".

It will be better for psychiatrist and psychologist to handle people with abnormal behaviour, because they are trained to understand human mental behaviour, trained to handle people with abnormal behaviour or violent behaviour without hurting them.

When psychologist and psychiatrist have used their professional medical training and medication on the victims with no visible improvement, then engaged experienced respective religious people of the respective faith to calm the person down, rebalance their mental faculties of 5 mental aggregates by understanding how this person enter into a "trance" states - and bring them back to the "correct balance of 5 mental aggregates" of human realm.


Thinking aloud, religions can be "scientificalised" - by applying psychology, science, math, physics, engineering and complement religious understanding - to strengthen the respective faiths - and align to the Universal Law.

By doing so, disciples of the various faiths can "strengthen" their beliefs in their respective faith and promote wholesome values and align to the Universal Law - where all 10 realms sentinent beings dwell and exist in.

By doing so, there will be less fighting, conflict, disupte in the World in the name of their respective religions.

Good idea?

In the Law of Relativity and the dualistic principles :-

"Science is explainable by Religion. Religion is explainable by Science".

If religion can be proven and reproduce by scientific means - than religion become science.

If science cannot be verified by 4 Great Elements - due to its psychology and abstract manner - and religions can explain it - then science become religion.

Correct or not?


Now, one realm is conspicously missing - that is the Animal realm.

Why Animal realm is missing in the earlier discussion ?

(1) it is deliberate to give people sufficient time to sink in the paranormal and supramundane concept.

(2) The crossover of the Human realm and Animal realm - is the most scientific evidence of how different realms - inter-communicate - and thus provide strong argument and understanding for inter-communication between other realms such as Heavenly realm, Hungry Ghosts realm, Hell realm, Asura realm and the Nirvana realm (Enlightened Beings in Human realm can actually testified to

How does Human and Animal communicate?

- via 5-sense consciousness - such as touch consciousness, voice consciousness, ear consciousness, taste consciousness, smell consciousness

- and the subsequent interaction of 5 mental aggregates - of feelings, perception, judgement and mental formation.

Human cannot be "possessed" by Animal. And Animal cannot be "possessed" by Human. Both communicate via the 5 sense consciousness. This is the same for other paranormal realms and supramundane realms - where human use the mental faculty of 5 mental aggregates to communicate and see and coexist in the respective realms - or so call "coexist in another dimension" or "parallel Universe".

(Note :- Human and Animal coexist in the same dimension, whereas other realms coexist in another dimension).

So when Human communicate with Animals such as dogs, cats, cows, elephants, deers, camels, dolphins etc - will use the same mental faculty with them to help them understand what the humans want and obey the humans. Conversely, the animals will also help humans to understand what they want.

Thus scienfiic ways of explaining religions and how religions explain science are mention above.

So i hope people of different faiths have understood the true concept of "possess by evil spirits" and "exorcism" in the right context - and administer the right approach to people who exhibit funny behaviour.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Supramundane Heavenly Realms & Nirvana - is make up of 2 Dualistic States (Secular Space & Supramundane Spiritual Consciousness)

Now let us analyse for even the respective Supramundane Heavenly Realms and Nirvana - how it divide itself into 2 States - Secular Space and Supramundane Spiritual Consciousness.

Thus people who attempt to establish a Religious State such as Totalitarian Buddhist State or Islamic State etc is Ignorance of the Universal Law or Wrong View of the Supramundane or Failure to understand the State of Paradise or Heavenly States.

Eg 1 - Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms - 2 States of Form and Formless

Secular Space (Formless) - Pleasant Sensual Desires that is enjoy by Human Beings.

Supramundane Spiritual (Form) - Pleasant Environment that fuel maximum pleasant sensual desires.

Eg 2 - Form Heavenly Realms - 2 States of Form and Formless

Secular Space (Form) - 4 Great Elements in the like of Concentated Black Hole - experienced in the Universe.

Supramundane Spiritual (Formless) Consciousness - Rupa Jhana Samadhi of Supramundane Consciousness.

Eg 3 - Formless Heavenly Realms - 2 States of Form and Formless

Secular Space (Form) - 4 Great Elements in the like of large, complex, diverse, profound Universe.

Supramundane Spiritual (Formless) Consciousness - Arupa Jhana Samadhi of Supramundane Consciousness of light, space, vastness, depth, infinity of perception & non-perception, of nothingness & no-nothingness.

Eg. 4 - Nirvana - 2 States of Form and Formless

Secular Space (Form) - 12 Dependant Origniation of Life or Adam & Eve or Sperms & Wombs - the Origin of Life or Stray Thoughts & Brains - the Mind form of the Origin of Life.

Supramundane Spiritual (Formless) Consciousness - 3 Values of No-Self, Compassion & Panna Wisdom - where no stray thouughts arise within or no stray thoughts can enter from external - a State of No Birth, No Death - a State where no Karma operate.

Within the 3 concentric circles of No-Self, Compassion & Panna Wisdom - it enwrap the entire Universe in stillness, serenity, bliss and equanimity - where all sentinent beings are liberated and indulge in Nirvana (Secular space in Supramundane Spiritual Consciousness).

Thus do not jumble up or mix up - the dualistic 2 states - by making secular space totally spiritual or make spiritual totally secular.

Always maintain 2 dualistic states - Secular Space & Spiritual Principles - and maintain Equilibrium of the 2 States.

This is the Way (The Way of Universal Law) - whether in Human realm, Heavenly realms, Nirvana realms - and even other realms such as Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm.

One important thing that i need to talk about maintaining equilibrium in secular space and spiritual space is that :-

(1) When fully spiritual, it will reach a point where body is no longer important (a pile of garbage) - and will leave the mundane world.

Thus important to maintain an equilibrium between secular space and spiritual space.

People practising meditation when reached Jhana and body become insignificant - but did not realise and refused to transcend back into human realm - will become body sariras and can no longer come alive.

Some people who are so obsessed by wrapping themselve up like mummy - start to blow their body up - for some mistaken cause to be a totalitarian religious state - is failure to maintain equilibrium between secular space and spiritual space.

Of course, religious institutions should be holy - to coach the secular disciples.

But in secular space, cannot ask discipiles to dress up like holy man right?

Imagine, asking secular to maintain celibacy like monks and nuns, then human become extinct?

Correct or not?

Thus in every aspect of things governing Human and all sentinent beings in every realms --- there are always dualistic state.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The True Holiest Man - in substance, not in form

The true holiest man - is not one that wrap himself fully clothed like mummy revealing no flesh.

Any Human in the World - that claim to be the Holiest of the Holy - with no trace of indecency - is false !!!

Unless He don't need to shit, to pass urine and to bathe - without revealing a single tinge of flesh.

Holy is in its substance, not form.

The true holiest man - is One that do not even have a single stray thoughts of "lust", "anger", "greed", "jealousy" etc and all other form of unwholesome consciousness arising from within or going into its mind and heart.

And One that do not even have stray thoughts of being "good", being "generous", being "kind" etc and all other form of wholesome consciousness arising from within or going into its mind and heart.

For even a single stray thoughts of being "good", being "generous", being "kind" etc and all other form of wholesome consciousness arising from within or going into its mind and heart - is a State of Becoming --- to be born in the Heavenly Realms.

Even a single stray thoughts of wholesome and unwholesome - will result in karma - good or bad - which is a fuel of rebirth - in good or bad realms.
Where there is birth, there will be death - and the vicious cycle of birth, life, death will become a continuum - which is why it is not the Holiest.
Where there is No Birth, No Death in Eternality, where karma cease to operate - it is the Holiest.

The true holiest man is in Eternal Peace, Bliss, Equanimity where no stray thoughts arising or going into its mind and heart in its Natural Form.

At 2 States of Mundane and Fruition of Supramundane.
This is a State of Nirvana - in Deep Samadhi and Fruitions - the Holiest Form - where all karma is eradicated - with No Birth, No Death - as there is no fuel of stray thoughts rooted in 3 Evil Roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Anger or Hatred, Greed to facilitate Birth - where its natural state comprise of 3 Wholesome Roots of No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom.

The pictorial image of Saint reveal "half shoulder" and full clothed - is to remind human not to misunderstand the Universal Law - where Saint will cover everything up - and this is consider "holy" which is a "Misconception" or "Ignorance of Universal Law" - through literal interpretation of the Teachings.

The ignorance of failure to understand "Birth & Death" vis-a-vis "No Birth, No Death".

This is in contradiction to the Law of Relativity - Coexistence of Mundane and Supramundane - even in its Holiest form.

Because there is a "Mirror Image" - of Holy and mirror image of Mundane of Birth in its holiest form in Supramundane Paradise and Nirvana ---- that is the true "Universal Law".

Saint is not fully clothed up and reveal nothing - like a mummy.

A True Saint - reveal "half shoulder" and full clothed - to reflect the true Universal Law of Dualistic World that make up of 2 main elements of Mundane (12 Dependant of Origination of Life or Adam & Eve) 色 and Supramundane of Nirvana (the 3 Core Attributes of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom) 空 - in Equilibrium.

Where 烦恼是菩提 - where there is mundane - one find supramundane.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nimitta light from Jhana & Fruition - as oppose to near death experience light

Seems like it is a reverse process for near-death experience as oppose to a Meditator attaining Jhana & Fruition.

The near death experience is signified by - malfunction of 4 Great Elements - cardiac arrest first before it trigger heighten mental activity - of 5 Mental Aggregates to see the light - in preparation for rebirth.

A Meditator attaining Jhana & Fruition is a reverse process whereby 5 Mental Aggregates attain Emptiness and see the 1-pointedness nimitta light concentration & fruition light and then follow by 4 Great Elements Emptiness whereby the body become insignificant. At this stage, a Meditator traverse through a series of Supramundane realms following & corresponding to his attainment of various realms - notably the Form Heavenly Realms and the Formless Heavenly Realms and eventually into Nirvana 3-Ring Fruitions (华严三昧)。

A near death experience is almost a point of no return - because the body has to demise for the person to experience the light of rebirth. If the cardiac arrest are not saved by doctor, the person will bye bye from this world and rebirth into another life depending on his volition of karma via the light of heighten Mental activity. The near death experience, in other word, is non-repeatable. I believe it is possible for a near death experience person to know - where he will get rebirth to upon his passing - if his mental state is clear enough - as he shed his inhibition of his 4 Great Elements.

A Meditator attaining nimitta, Jhana and Fruition light is repeatable and it is characterise by heighten Mental Activities - of 5 Mental Aggregate first - before heighten activity in 4 Great Elements ---- heighten is too mild a word ---- "Rapturing of the 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements --- is a more appropriate word".

The Mental Activity of each stage of attainment are different depending on the Meditator attainment.

The Mental Activities of nimitta formation, the 1st Jhana attainment, the 2nd Jhana attainment, the 3rd Jhana attainment, the 4th Jhana attainment; the 5th Arupa Jhana attainment, the Formless Heavenly realm of Perception & Non-perception attainment, the Formless Heavenly realm of Nothingness & Non-nothingness attainment, the 3-Ring Fruition of Nirvana (华严三昧)attainment are different ---- which is characterise by different types of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Why rapturing neh?

Just like "Black Hole" - that suck in all the cosmic bodies into it --- it is a very powerful suction effects.

Attaining Jhana - 1-pointedness concenctraion into the bright light nimitta - is a similar effect - the suction into the bright light of the 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements is very powerful. So powerful that Human is called (脱胎换骨) (complete transform of human womb and human skeletion into Supramundane) - where all the 5 mundane consciousness activities are suck into the bright light and transformed into very distinct consciousness - never experienced in mundane consciousness - and replace by Supramundane consciousness never experienced in normal human on Earth.

Then what is Supramundane rapturing from Jhana to Fruition?

Like Supernova explosion of "Black Hole" that spew out cosmic bodies and lead to the formation of sun, planets, moons etc that form the Universe - the Jhana explosion into Fruition that expand outward and outward and outward and outward --- into Infinity with no ending in sight until the Universe is enwrap into 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) - where the Universe ends.

But one type of heavenly realm is bypass in Jhana & Fruition process wor - which one neh?

Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - mainly practiced by human who are kind, good moral conduct, follow precepts superbly. good people .... but did not practice meditation to attain Rupa Jhana or Arupa Jhana or Nirvana.

This sensual desire heavenly realm will enjoy maximum wealth, sensual happiness of courtesan, prosperity, power, authority etc - that is very much desire by human realms.

But strange enough, there is one Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - known as Tusita Heaven whereby Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas will dwell in --- with the sole purpose of rebirth into the Human realm to salvage sentinent beings in Human realm.

Why neh? Because all these Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas who are so skilled in Jhanas and Fruitions basking in Nirvana - will need to inherit karmas from sensual desires to be rebirth into Human realm. So where is the best place to inherit these karmas - Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - Tusita Heaven is the best Heavenly Realm is the best realm - because it is the Middle Path realms of all the Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm --- just like Human realm is the Middle Path of 6 sentinent beings realms.

Then why I say only Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas dwell in Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - Tusita Heaven and not Arahats and Pacceka Buddhas neh?

Because Arahats and Pacceka Buddhas once attained Enlightenment and enter into Nirvana will dwell in Nirvana when they passed away and no longer rebirth into other realms as they do not make Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings.

Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas on the other hand, have made Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings. Thus in order to fulfil their respective Bodhi Vows, they will have to rebirth into Tusita Heaven of Sensual Desire Heavenly realm to enjoy the sensory desires before they inherit the karmas to be rebirth into Human realm to salvage sentinent beings and fulfil their Bodhi Vows.

So having identified sensory desires are the fuel that cause karma, some practitioner practice austerity - ie. external way to enforce strict regimen to "force" or "punish" sensual desires from arising. This is called 苦行 - and since this is "External" - it is not internalise.

Sakyamuni Buddha practice External 苦行 to the extreme - and discover that it bear no result & in fact reduce to "skin & bones" - because it is not internalise.

So Sakyamuni Buddha practice "Middle Path" - avoiding the extreme of austerity and extreme sensual desire of sense gratification - and practice internalise slow eradication of the 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment to Ego, Hatred - through Anapanasati and Vipassana Meditation - and only when He attain Enlightenment - did he eradicate the 3 evil roots and gain all the Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana.

Of course, as He still possess the Human body, half of his consciousness are still mundane consciousness in order for him to stay in the Human realm.

Thus in Human realm, He still need to maintain mindfulfulness and enter into Jhanas if situation warrants.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Metta Meditaion (Loving-Kindness, Compassion meditation).

Immerse in Metta Meditation (Loving-Kindness, Compassion meditation).

Buddham Saranam Gacchami.
Dhamam Saranam Gacchami.
Sangham Saranam Gacchami.

"May I be free from harm and danger.
May I be free from mental sufferings.
May I be free from physical sufferings.
May I take care of myself happily."

"May all beings be free from harm and danger.
May all beings be free from mental sufferings.
May all beings be free from physical sufferings.
May all beings take care of themselves happily."

"May my enemies be free from harm and danger.
May my enemies be free from mental sufferings.
May my enemies be free from physical sufferings.
May my enemies take care of themselves happily."

Radiating from your heart,
outward to 10 directions....
to your neighbourhood....
to your province.....
to your country.....
to the world....
to every part of the earth....
to every part of the universe....

For your Compassionate Light that permeate all 10 directions of the Whole Universe will never stop if you do not cover all cracks, all crevices of every part of the Universe..... until even the last sentinent being of all 6 realms (of 5 Mental Aggregates), the last grain of sand (of 4 Great Elements) are immerse in your Light of Compassion - to be free from all Eternal Sufferings.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ring Nebula = Origin of Universe = Nirvana State

Ring Nebula (Yahoo! News)

Yes this is the natural state of 4 Great Elements (Mundane State).

In 5 Mental Aggregates Emptiness (Supramundane State) of Jhana Samadhi & 3-Ring Fruition - it is also the same state.

The Origin and Demise of Universe (4 Great Elements (Mundane State) ---- is this state.

The Nirvana State is also this state ------ the Dharma Wheel is the good representation of Nirvana State ---- as reflected by this Ring Nebula.

3 Ring Fruition (空) represent :-
(1) !st inner ring - "No Self" - represented by Amituofo Buddha
(2) 2nd flicker flicker ring - "Compassion" - represented by Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa (Compassionate PuSa)
(3) 3rd solid outer ring - "Panna Wisdom" - represented by Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa (Wisdom PuSa)

The sperm & womb state (色)represent - the 12 Dependant of Origination of Life.
(Bible called it Adam & Eve).

Both sperm & womb state(色)& 3 Ring Fruition (空) - represent Nirvana State - where (色)is (空) ; where (空) is (色).

Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa (Compassionate PuSa) - "Heart Sutra" say it all.

The sperm & womb state(色)represent - the 12 Dependant of Origination of Life.
(Bible called it Adam & Eve) - give rise to ths 6 realm sentinent beings of Samsara World. 6 realms are make up of Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Heavenly realm.

3 Ring Fruition (空) comprise of 4 Nirvanic realms which are make up of Saints, Pacekka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

See this Dharma Wheel - does it look like the Ring Nebula?
It also look like - the Origin of Universe.
It also look like - the Nirvana State.

That why Sakyamuni Buddha tell his disciple to pray to the Dharma Wheel when he passed into PariNirvana and not the Buddha Image.

Only when later centuries, where disciple pray to Buddha Image.

So now the mystery of Universe is revealed.
The mystery of Nirvana is revealed.

In the past the various level of heavenly realms - Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm, Form Heavenly Realm, Formless Heavenly Realm are revealed in this blog.

The mystery of other 6 realms sentinent beings such as Hell realm, Hungry Ghosts realm, Animal realm, Asura realm and Human realms are revealed.
The message of the inclusive policy :-
"Leave no men behind."

The message of the 2nd ring (Compassion) of the 3-Ring Fruition :-
"Leave no sentinent being behind.
Leave not even one grain of sand behind."

The colorful of this 4 Great Elements state :-
(1) Blue in the inner ring
(2) Green in the 2nd ring - but as blue and green mix - it become yellow
(3) Red in the 3rd outer ring

quite mirror the colour of the 3-Ring Fruitions.

(1) Strong bright concentrated yellow in the inner ring
(2) Normal yellow like a sun
(3) Skin color pink (like the flesh) in the 3rd outer ring
Because the 4 Great Elements of mundane state are subjected to permutation of many worldly states of so many type of gases, liquidity type, material type, varying temperature and never in constant, always in the flux (under the Law of Impermanency) and changes all the time.

Thus nothing can be described in certainty because Universe is infinity in changes.

Only in Nirvana state, where all states in the 3-Ring Fruition are constant, eternal and permanent and no birth, no death, no changes. That is why it can be described with certainty.

Thus when someone ask the then Sakyamuni Buddha - what is the Origin of Universe and how does Universe evolved, His powerful Jhana Samadhi project His Vision into the Universe - and see no beginning and no end - in an endless loop in Samsara - unless in Nirvana where this endless loop end.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mundane & Supramundane - Letting Go in 4 Noble Truth

Mundane World – What is true meaning of “Letting Go” - Contentment

So in mundane world, people always have the misconception that by “letting go” does it means forgoing everything – even basic necessities for survival such as jobs, food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education, transport etc.

The answer for mundane world is – we need to understand the “true meaning” of “letting go”.

A chincse phrase sum it up.


It means, the heart – clinging and craving (that come with expectation) let go. But the mundane things, jobs, responsibilities, duties and chores that govern the mundane lives must still be carry on through wholesome thoughts, speeches and actions – in order to lead a positive karma lives.

Unwholesome thoughts, speeches and actions – anchor on selflishness (attachment to Ego) / Greed, Hatred and Ignorance to Universal Law & Truth – will lead to a negative karma lives.

Clinging and craving (that come with expectation) - is the “cause of sufferings” – the 2nd Noble Truth.

苦,集,灭,道。(Where苦 or sufferings, is the result of集or clinging and craving that come with expectation. And if the expectation is not met, 苦 or sufferings arises.

Thus, 灭 or eradicate集or clinging and craving that come with expectation – will alleviate 苦 or sufferings.

Once, 集or clinging and craving that come with expectation is eradicated, 道 or clarity of mirror (明心见性)or Enlightenment arises – because the dirt (or 3 evil roots of hatred, attachment or greed and ignorance of Universal Law or Truth) – that cover the mirror is wipe clean and clarity (of the True Nature of Self) appear.

In layman term, “Contentment” is the key to alleviate Sufferings in Life.

Supramundane World – What is true meaning of “Letting Go” – No-Self (无我,大舍)- which is the entry into Sainthood (超凡入圣) – the phenonmenon is (脱胎换骨)

In Supramundane, “letting go” take on a more profound understanding.

The final “Big Let Go” at the verge of Spiritual Attainment is even letting go of the most precious gems of the meditators – the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dharma & Sangha) – our Masters of Nirvana & our families, our loved ones & finally our Ego (Self) & our body – before Jhana & 3-Ring Fruition Enlightenment will arise.

(ie. Letting go of Sangha who taught us – & who will leave us and let us carry on with our Spiritual journey.

Letting go of Buddha – who will depart and let us carry on with our Spiritual journey.

Letting go of Dharma, the Teachings – which we must also let go, as it is a tool that aid us and guide us on the path of Spiritual Attainment.

Letting go of our loved ones – which will cause us to cling on and crave on.

& finally Letting go of our Ego/Self and our Body/”A pile of garbages” or 一副臭皮囊 – in which all desires, expectation and desire to rebirth arise. Only then will Jhana and 3-Ring Fruition Enlightement arises – as the Mind & Heart are free from All Attachment – which no longer impede the “Clarity of True Nature of Self arising”.)

(Be very careful – when Letting go of our Ego/Self and our Body/”A pile of garbages” or 一副臭皮囊 – it does not imply “Commit Suicide”. The subtlelity of this 2 are opposite side of the poles. Where one will lead us to Enlightenment, the other one will lead us to Avici Hell. 一念涅槃,一念地狱。)

To illustrate in finer detail :-

(1) When the all the factors of 5 Mental Aggregates are reaching Equilibrium, stray thoughts reduce dramatically, bright light sun nimitta emerged, mind quiet down and when reach sustain mindfulness of the nimitta, 1-pointedness concentration of Jhana or Samadhi is attained.

This will happen because of “letting go” of all mundane vexation – that result in gross reduction of stray thoughts of mundane life vexation – and a proximate sun nimitta will appear.

To achieve 1-pointedness Jhana or Samadhi through sustained mindfulness, when mental faculties are ready (due to letting go of all mental faculties, which is also letting go of Self or Ego) – meditator must take a very courageous stand to “let go the body” (a pile of garbage) at this stage – which has the same feeling of “jumping down into a bottomless pit” – with extremely strong suction force or absorption into the sun nimitta when it get more and more intense (like sucking the cosmic bodies into a Black Hole).

(2) When Jhana or Samadhi is let go automatically – it will explode into 3-Ring Fruition of Enlightenment that encompass the whole Universe into Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss, Eternal Serenity, Eternal Equanimity – where no more stray thoughts arises, no more karma arises, no more impermanency arises - in the 3-Ring Fruition of Enlightenment that enwrap the whole Universe).

It is sum up in 2 profound phrases - that explain 2 profound Supramundane phenonmenon.

- 五蕴界空。(5 Mental Aggregates Emptiness)

- 四大界空。(4 Great Elements Emptiness)

So LETTING GO of ALL ATTACHMENT – is indeed the :-

(1) Cure of All Sufferings.

(2) Eradicating Sufferings is by “Letting Go”

(3) Nirvana or Enlightenment is attained by “Letting Go” in Mundane sense, in Supramundane sense

阿弥陀佛 !!!


So by "Letting Go" - in Mundane and Supramundane life - the 4 Noble Truth indeed is proven to alleviate from Eternal Sufferings.


苦 - Life is sufferings.
集 - Sufferings is a result of Attachment (Attachment to anything and to everything - is the ROOT CAUSE of sufferings).
灭 - To alleviate sufferings - "let go" of attachment.
道 - Only then, Universal Truth of the Universal Law will emerged - Enlightenment.

That is why, Sakyamuni Buddha expound His 1st discourse in Buddhism Dharma - the 4 Noble Truth - is the core of Buddhism Dharma - which is the most important - the "Real & Shortest Path to Nirvana" !!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

苦,集,灭,道。- 4 Noble Truth


苦 - Life is sufferngs.
集 - Sufferings is a result of Attachment (Attachment to anything and to everything - is the ROOT CAUSE of sufferings).
灭- To alleviate sufferings - "let go" of attachment.
道- Only then, Universal Truth of the Universal Law will emerged - Enlightenment.
"Let go of attachment" & "Internalise" it is the key for happiness, is the key to alleviate all sufferings.

In psychological terms, for every stimuli, there will be a response :-

(1) Every speech - will elicit a response (depending on whether pleasant, unpleasant).

(2) Every action - will also elicit a response (depending on whether is friendly or hostile).

(3) Even every thought - will also elicit a response (this is what little people know about). A kind thought will elicit a pleasant response. An unkind thought will elicit an unpleasant response.

(4) Collective thoughts, speeches and actions stimuli - will elicit a collective reponses. Eg. if the leaders, countries and people are friendly, kind - the responses are, the collective karma of this country will have alot of friends with countries all over the world.

However, if collectively a country is unfriendly, it can result in collective negative karma of catastrophic proportion like war, natural disaster or even epidemic.

So human in the world, or rather all 6 sentinent beings in the Universe - are govern by Law of Karma and Law of Impermanency - our fortune are never permanent are forever changing depending on our :-
(1) Individual karma
(2) Collective karma

Karma & Impermanency is the Universal Law that govern the 12 Dependant Life of Origination (specifically, life of Adam & Eve that bring about evolution of life in this Universe).

Karma & Impermanency will not apply to the State of Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition - as no thoughts, no speeches, no actions arises --- a State of Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss, Eternal Equanimity.
That is, the way how we live - is dependant on how we conduct our lives - our thoughts, our speeches and our actions - arises from our MIND.

The foundation of our Mind - on how we interact with ourselves, the people around us and the World we live in - is anchor on our "HEART".

(1) Kind Heart & an Intelligent Mind - will make our lives, the people around us pleasant to live in.

(2) Selfish Heart & an Intelligent Mind - will make our lives unpleasant and the people around us unhappy.

(3) Bodhi Heart & a Wise Mind - will benefit ourselves, benefit people around us and the World we live in. It will even invoke Supramundane divinity of 10 directions of 10 realms.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sama Sam BuddhaSa

The Origin of Universe is made up of :-

(1) Basic 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Temp, Water) & 5 Mental Aggregates (5-sense consciousness, feeling, perception, judgement, mental formation) – fused into 1 Black Hole & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

(2) Then 1 Black Hole – Big Bang into Universe & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi – expand into 3-Ring Fruition.

Math representation :-

0 to Infinity to 1.

Or 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. -1.

0 represent - Basic 4 Great Elements in 1 Big Black Hole & 5 Mental Aggregates of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

Infinity represent – the current cosmic bodies evolution of galaxies, star, planet, moon, evolution of lives in many pattern and never ending due to permutation of the 4 Great Elements and the 5 Mental Aggregates of the 6 realms sentinent beings and the 4 Enlightened Beings.

1 represent – the Great Final Salvation into 1 Final Great Nirvana.

Thus use math to define :-

• 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 1. ------ represent 1 Universe – 1 Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• 1, 1. 0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 2. ------ represent 2nd Universe –
2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• Etc until Great Infinity….

Ie. 0,1,2, ……………… 9999999999999999999…….. back to where (math cannot compute) --- but is back to 0.

1st Buddha Final Great Nirvana = 2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana = Infinity Buddha Final Great Nirvana ============ 1 BIG NIRVANA as Nirvana are all SAME & EQUAL in ALL BUDDHAs.

"Sama Sam Buddhasa" !!!


So with full understanding of the Universal Law, hope that there should be no more religious hatred, anger and ignorance among religions – as all religions attempt to explain Universal Law according to different dimensions – but are all relating to the same thing ie. Universal Law.

All Religions preach no hatred, no ignorance and no attachment – the 3 Evil Roots.

All Religions preach only 3 wholesome attributes – No-Self (Sainthood), Compassion and Panna Wisdom – which is the 3-Ring Fruition attributes - the Supramundane (Divine) Universal Attributes.

The opposing poles :-
(1) No-Self cure Attachment to Self
(2) Compassion cure Hatred
(3) Panna Wisdom cure Ignorance of Universal Law

3 Supramundane (Divine) Universal Attributes - No-Self, Compassion & Panna Wisdom.

3 Evil Roots of 6 realms sentinent beings - Attachment to Self, Hatred & Ignorance of Universal Law

For any injustice suffered – if legal law is not able to fully cover or compensate the 6 realms sentinent beings, Law of Karma – the Universal Law will eventually take over in whatever form – whether immediate or in the near future or in the far future.

The Wise One will not retaliate or respond so as not to reap negative karma & to break the vicious cycle of negative karma.

This apply to everyone in all fairness - that fall on the side of 1st part of 12 dependant of origination of life – ie. All 6 realms sentinent beings as long as they possess the mundane bodies and mundane consciousness.

Law of Karma, Law of Impermanency will cease or will not apply or will not be relevant any more – only in a State of Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition – as no more stray thoughts that will lead to karma or impermanency arise in the State of Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Universal Law - Mother of All Religions explained

There are 2 sides of the coin in expounding Universal Law.

One side of the coin is expounding the Universal Law on form or or rupa or sex. The religion that expound this coin of Universal Law are eg. Judaism, Catholics, Christianity, Islam.

The other side of the coin is expounding the Universal on formless or  or nama or divine. The religion that expound this coin of Universal Law are eg. Hindism, maybe Taoism.

The religion that expound 2 sides of the coin of Universal Law are Buddhism - form & formless or  & 空 or nama & rupa.


In Supramundane Nirvana (the Eternal, Final Peace) - is make up of 2 parts :-

(1) 1st part - form or  or rupa or sex (Predominantly expounded by Judaism, Catholics, Christianity, Islam)

(2) 2nd part - formless or  or nama or divine (Predominantly expounded by Hinduism, maybe Taoism).

Buddhism expound 1st part and 2nd part in tandem.

In Nirvana,

(1) Formless or  or nama or divine - is a 3-Ring Fruition that make up of 3 wholesome attributes :-

(i) No-Self (attainment of Sainthood) - 无我,大舍。 Originate & transform from 1-pointedness concentration Jhana or Deep Samadhi (禅定)

(ii) Overwhelming Compassion - 大慈,大悲。  (Loving kindness for all sentinent beings, Overbearing Compassion to want to alleviate the sea of sufferings).

(iii) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧,大澈大悟。 Develop Panna Wisdom, Insights in true nature of self)

(2) Form or  or rupa or sex - is a representation of 12 dependants origination of life (the desires, feeling, consciousness to want to rebirth into any of the 6 realms sentinent beings) :-

(i) In mundane form - Many sperms that try to penetrate an egg in a womb.

(ii) In formless mundane - Many stray thoughts attempting to penetrate the impenetrable 3-Ring Fruition that sturdily protected by a very robust 3rd Ring of Panna Wisdom.

(iii) The Law of Karma (we reap what we sow), Law of Impermanency (change is constant) -- all apply to 6 realm sentinent beings with a body of mundane consciousness.

In a human body sitting in meditation - that :-

(1) Attain 1-pointednesss concentration Jhana & deep Samadhi

(2) Evolve & explode into vastness in Space that encompass & enwrap the Whole Universe

(3) Transform into 3-Ring Fruition that encompass & enwrap the Whole Universe with overwhelming and overbearing Compassion to want to liberate the last sentinent beings and the last grain of sands - so that no sentinent beings (of 5 Mental Aggregates) and no 4 Great Elements will be left out to ensure the Great Final Salvation, the Final Great Nirvana.

This human in meditation is a Mirror (明心见性)- Stillness and clarity of Bodhi Heart that see the true nature of Self (Form/Formless, 色/空 or nama/rupa or 12 dependant origination of life/Emptiness or sex/divine). That is, The Mirror (明心见性) – see the True Universal Law or Universal Truth.

1st Part - Expound of Universal Law - External Divinity - God / Allah, Heavenly realm as final salvation.

Now Judaism, Catholics, Chrisitianity, Islam - all start with Adam & Eve - that represent the Adam eating of "forbidden fruit" & have sex with Eve - that trigger the birth of human.

Adam has started the 12 dependant of origination of life - trigger by desires to give birth --- and as such the sperms penetrate to the eggs in the womb of Eve - and result in birth of sentinent beings.


Pse note that as long as there is body in human form - human body cannot control the desires (七情六欲) arising from the body (or what the Buddhism called the "pile of garbages") because of factors like sense consciousness (eye, touch, smell, hear, taste consciousness) that will arouse cognitive process such as feelings,perception, judgement & mental formation) not to mention hormone changes.

Only a human that practice meditation that attain Jhana and maintain in Samadhi can all desires be suppressed and eradicated if in Fruition. However, when a human exit from Jhana or resume life in human body form, half human desires will still return even though half will still maintain in supramundane consciousness.

Thus Adam & Eve will indulge in sexual desires and result in birth - and subsequently succumb to 3 evils roots of Hatred/Anger,Greed/Attachment & Ignorance of Universal Law - due to uncultivated Mind and Heart in meditation - when in human form or 6 realm sentinent beings form.

2nd Part - Expound of Universal Law - External Divinity & Internal Cultivation

Mainly expounded by Hinduism and Taoism - with main focus on cultivating Mind training and Heart training - through various methods of meditation but still relying on External Divine Help - God, Heavenly realm as final salvation.


Buddhism expound Universal Law focusing on both Part 1 & Part 2 - with Internal Cultivation - and Buddha as Master, Nirvana as Final Salvation.

Buddhism Bodhi Vow is to liberate ALL 6 realms sentinent beings.

Monday, April 22, 2013

3 Categories of Consciousness & 3 Nirvana Plane Consciousness

         Does life come before Earth?

Depends how this article defined life.

Life have 2 types.
(1) Mundane life and body in form, mundane consciousness, or;
(2) Supramundane life & formless or form body, supramundane consciousness.

Mundane life - can only be seen by mundane eye-consciousness, smell, hear, taste and feel by mundane consciousness.

Supramudane live - can only be "vison" by & "immersed in" Mind & Heart consciousness - on Nama & Rupa; 色 & 空 or Form & Formless.

Mundane life - come in different form - what mundane beings see are animals and human realm that manifest in this mundane universe.

Lower realm consciousness (such as hell realms, hungry ghosts realm, asura realms) - are not experienced by mundane consciousness or supramundane consciousness - but mainly unwholesome consciousness of constant pain, sufferings, evil, cruel, harmful, revengeful, extreme jealousy, hateful, extreme greed etc attributes.

Supramundane consciousness - of Desire Plane Heavenly Realm, Form Heavenly Realm and Formless Heavenly Realm - will have supramundane consciousness and feelings - mainly of blissful, happiness, equanimity, serenity attributes.

Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana Plane - the 3 Ring-Fruition of No-Self, overwhelming Compassion to see sea of sufferings & Panna Wisdom to see the 12 dependant of life of impermanency.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The story of Life, Earth & the Universe

Human have a tendency to believe only in what we see and do not believe in what we don't see and then we conclude that there is no life other than Earth.

To give a hypothesis :-
(1) An egg when not fertilised - will inherit the attributes of 4 Great Elements (water, matter, temperature and air) but no 5 Mental Aggregates - of all sense-consciousness, feeling, perceptions, judgements and mental formations.

(2) When an egg has been fertilised - it will inherit both the attributes of 4 Great Elements (water, matter, temperature and air) & 5 Mental Aggregates - of all sense-consciousness, feeling, perceptions, judgements and mental formations.

So without a male and female chicken, where got eggs?
If there are no eggs, where got a male and female chicken?

So could it be a male and female chicken evolved from another species of dinosaur male and female chicken and then lay the eggs and evolved into the current male and female chicken and the current eggs?
When the egg is not fertilised, the 5 mental aggregates of the chicken stay outside (formless) until the egg is fertilised. Then the living condition is favourable, and the (formless) 5 mental aggregates of the chicken will materialise to become (form) and give birth to become chicken.

As our human eyes cannot see the (formless) 5 mental aggregates of the chicken - we thought the chicken is absence - as we only see the egg and not chicken.

Thus 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements are always together. Both will appear and can be seen by human eyes only when both reach Equilibrium - nama & rupa,  & , form & formless.

If not 1 is in form, 1 in formless and vice versa - human eyes can only see one and not the other - and then conveniently dismiss it.

Eg. Higgs dark matter was discovered - before that, Science assume 90% of Universe is nothing...... this is what we called "Ignorance of Universal Law".

So let us extend this hypothesis further to the Origin of Universe.

When the Universe is in a Big Black Hole - it represents 2 things :-
(1) 5 Mental Aggregates Emptiness - ie. all 5 Mental Aggregates fuse together into 1-pointed concentrated Jhana in deep Samadhi.

(2) 4 Great Elements - compressed into 1 Big Black Hole.

When the pressure reached its maxim :-
(1) 5 Mental Aggregates of 1-pointed concentrated Jhana in deep Samadhi - explode & expand outward into 1 Big Fruition and encompass the Whole Universe when the Universe expand outward.

(2) 4 Great Elements compressed into 1 Big Black Hole - explode into Big Bang of the Universe that expand outward.

When the Universe expand and stabilise, the 5 mental aggregates stabilise.

When the cosmic body eg. Earth stabilise and the 4 Great Elements of the Earth become conducive for living, living organisms grow and evolve into many forms depending on how the environment support the type and species of living organism.

This is the story of Life, Earth & the Universe !!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ananpanasati (Samadhi Concentration) & Vipassana (Insight Mindfulness) Meditation

Meditation is the most effective method to :-

(1) maintain focus. At maximum focus, 1 pointedness concentration is achieved.

(2) achieve mindfulness. At maximum minfulness, ensure continuous mindfulness of every thoughts, speeches and actions.

The outcome of perfected 1-pointedness concentration & continuous mindfulness will bring about 3 values :-
(1) No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍。
(2) Compassion - 大慈,大悲。
(3) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧。

Attaining No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍 - is the attainment of Sainthood (超凡入圣)。

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Heart Sutra (心经 ) - 色 & 空 - Mundane & Supramundane - Form & Formless - dualistic state - the State of Nirvana (涅槃)

Why in Heart Sutra, 2 main concepts are being brought into focus which is 色 & 空.

Because in Nirvana - there are 2 dualistic states - Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) and 12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - 色).

Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) - is an Eternal Peace & Bliss - where everything is Silence - No Birth, No Death.

12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - ) - is a desire to be born, to live and aversiveness of sickness and death - a vicious cycle that will go round-and-round - until One found the means to end it and transform it into Eternal Peace & Bliss - with No Birth, No Death.

The entire ecosystem of how a society, country, community, family and inter-countries relationship are formed - are surrounded on 4 mundane states ie. :-

1. Birth
2. Life
3. Sickness & Old Age
4. Death

Thus Government policies, trade, investment, travel, territorial sovereignty etc are surrounding human 4 mundane states of :-

1. Birth - Marriage Law, Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Population replacement, immigration policies, healthcare for giving birth etc.

2. Life - education, jobs, social policies, community living, leisure, travel, trade, investment, country-to-country relationship, territorial sovereignty, resources security, food security, environmental protection, R&D, religion etc.

3. Sickness & Old Age - healthcare, insurance, hospitalisation care, elderly care etc.

4. Death - religion, afterlife, estate, etc.

The entire ecosystem of No Birth, No Death is so simple - that surround 2 Supramundane State & 1 mundane state - Nirvana State:-

(1) 1 pointedness concentration Jhana - Samadhi

(2) 3-Ring Fruition

(3) 12 dependant origniation of life

(Achieve through meditation).This will eradicate 3 evil roots of Ignorance (Delusion), Hatred (Anger) & Greed (Attachment) in mundane life.

Meditation technique - Samadhi meditation (Anapanasati) or (Concentration meditation) & Vipassana meditation (Mindfulness meditation or Insight meditation)

Human life is so short - less than 100 years.

No point to fight, no point to go into war, no point to conflict and dispute - will lock into endless cycle of unwholesome karma (retribution) - that lead to endless cycle of unwholesome state of fighting, quarrel, violence, war.

Human life is the Middle Path of 6 realm sentinent beings - with half happiness and half sufferings. Use this Middle Path - to practice and attainment final salvation into Nirvana - into Eternal Peace and Bliss - No Birth, No Death, No Sufferings.