Monday, April 22, 2013

3 Categories of Consciousness & 3 Nirvana Plane Consciousness

         Does life come before Earth?

Depends how this article defined life.

Life have 2 types.
(1) Mundane life and body in form, mundane consciousness, or;
(2) Supramundane life & formless or form body, supramundane consciousness.

Mundane life - can only be seen by mundane eye-consciousness, smell, hear, taste and feel by mundane consciousness.

Supramudane live - can only be "vison" by & "immersed in" Mind & Heart consciousness - on Nama & Rupa; 色 & 空 or Form & Formless.

Mundane life - come in different form - what mundane beings see are animals and human realm that manifest in this mundane universe.

Lower realm consciousness (such as hell realms, hungry ghosts realm, asura realms) - are not experienced by mundane consciousness or supramundane consciousness - but mainly unwholesome consciousness of constant pain, sufferings, evil, cruel, harmful, revengeful, extreme jealousy, hateful, extreme greed etc attributes.

Supramundane consciousness - of Desire Plane Heavenly Realm, Form Heavenly Realm and Formless Heavenly Realm - will have supramundane consciousness and feelings - mainly of blissful, happiness, equanimity, serenity attributes.

Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana Plane - the 3 Ring-Fruition of No-Self, overwhelming Compassion to see sea of sufferings & Panna Wisdom to see the 12 dependant of life of impermanency.

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