Friday, April 26, 2013

Sama Sam BuddhaSa

The Origin of Universe is made up of :-

(1) Basic 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Temp, Water) & 5 Mental Aggregates (5-sense consciousness, feeling, perception, judgement, mental formation) – fused into 1 Black Hole & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

(2) Then 1 Black Hole – Big Bang into Universe & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi – expand into 3-Ring Fruition.

Math representation :-

0 to Infinity to 1.

Or 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. -1.

0 represent - Basic 4 Great Elements in 1 Big Black Hole & 5 Mental Aggregates of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

Infinity represent – the current cosmic bodies evolution of galaxies, star, planet, moon, evolution of lives in many pattern and never ending due to permutation of the 4 Great Elements and the 5 Mental Aggregates of the 6 realms sentinent beings and the 4 Enlightened Beings.

1 represent – the Great Final Salvation into 1 Final Great Nirvana.

Thus use math to define :-

• 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 1. ------ represent 1 Universe – 1 Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• 1, 1. 0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 2. ------ represent 2nd Universe –
2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• Etc until Great Infinity….

Ie. 0,1,2, ……………… 9999999999999999999…….. back to where (math cannot compute) --- but is back to 0.

1st Buddha Final Great Nirvana = 2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana = Infinity Buddha Final Great Nirvana ============ 1 BIG NIRVANA as Nirvana are all SAME & EQUAL in ALL BUDDHAs.

"Sama Sam Buddhasa" !!!


So with full understanding of the Universal Law, hope that there should be no more religious hatred, anger and ignorance among religions – as all religions attempt to explain Universal Law according to different dimensions – but are all relating to the same thing ie. Universal Law.

All Religions preach no hatred, no ignorance and no attachment – the 3 Evil Roots.

All Religions preach only 3 wholesome attributes – No-Self (Sainthood), Compassion and Panna Wisdom – which is the 3-Ring Fruition attributes - the Supramundane (Divine) Universal Attributes.

The opposing poles :-
(1) No-Self cure Attachment to Self
(2) Compassion cure Hatred
(3) Panna Wisdom cure Ignorance of Universal Law

3 Supramundane (Divine) Universal Attributes - No-Self, Compassion & Panna Wisdom.

3 Evil Roots of 6 realms sentinent beings - Attachment to Self, Hatred & Ignorance of Universal Law

For any injustice suffered – if legal law is not able to fully cover or compensate the 6 realms sentinent beings, Law of Karma – the Universal Law will eventually take over in whatever form – whether immediate or in the near future or in the far future.

The Wise One will not retaliate or respond so as not to reap negative karma & to break the vicious cycle of negative karma.

This apply to everyone in all fairness - that fall on the side of 1st part of 12 dependant of origination of life – ie. All 6 realms sentinent beings as long as they possess the mundane bodies and mundane consciousness.

Law of Karma, Law of Impermanency will cease or will not apply or will not be relevant any more – only in a State of Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition – as no more stray thoughts that will lead to karma or impermanency arise in the State of Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition.

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