Friday, June 14, 2013

Metta Meditaion (Loving-Kindness, Compassion meditation).

Immerse in Metta Meditation (Loving-Kindness, Compassion meditation).

Buddham Saranam Gacchami.
Dhamam Saranam Gacchami.
Sangham Saranam Gacchami.

"May I be free from harm and danger.
May I be free from mental sufferings.
May I be free from physical sufferings.
May I take care of myself happily."

"May all beings be free from harm and danger.
May all beings be free from mental sufferings.
May all beings be free from physical sufferings.
May all beings take care of themselves happily."

"May my enemies be free from harm and danger.
May my enemies be free from mental sufferings.
May my enemies be free from physical sufferings.
May my enemies take care of themselves happily."

Radiating from your heart,
outward to 10 directions....
to your neighbourhood....
to your province.....
to your country.....
to the world....
to every part of the earth....
to every part of the universe....

For your Compassionate Light that permeate all 10 directions of the Whole Universe will never stop if you do not cover all cracks, all crevices of every part of the Universe..... until even the last sentinent being of all 6 realms (of 5 Mental Aggregates), the last grain of sand (of 4 Great Elements) are immerse in your Light of Compassion - to be free from all Eternal Sufferings.

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