Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ananpanasati (Samadhi Concentration) & Vipassana (Insight Mindfulness) Meditation

Meditation is the most effective method to :-

(1) maintain focus. At maximum focus, 1 pointedness concentration is achieved.

(2) achieve mindfulness. At maximum minfulness, ensure continuous mindfulness of every thoughts, speeches and actions.

The outcome of perfected 1-pointedness concentration & continuous mindfulness will bring about 3 values :-
(1) No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍。
(2) Compassion - 大慈,大悲。
(3) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧。

Attaining No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍 - is the attainment of Sainthood (超凡入圣)。

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