Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Universal Law - Mother of All Religions explained

There are 2 sides of the coin in expounding Universal Law.

One side of the coin is expounding the Universal Law on form or or rupa or sex. The religion that expound this coin of Universal Law are eg. Judaism, Catholics, Christianity, Islam.

The other side of the coin is expounding the Universal on formless or  or nama or divine. The religion that expound this coin of Universal Law are eg. Hindism, maybe Taoism.

The religion that expound 2 sides of the coin of Universal Law are Buddhism - form & formless or  & 空 or nama & rupa.


In Supramundane Nirvana (the Eternal, Final Peace) - is make up of 2 parts :-

(1) 1st part - form or  or rupa or sex (Predominantly expounded by Judaism, Catholics, Christianity, Islam)

(2) 2nd part - formless or  or nama or divine (Predominantly expounded by Hinduism, maybe Taoism).

Buddhism expound 1st part and 2nd part in tandem.

In Nirvana,

(1) Formless or  or nama or divine - is a 3-Ring Fruition that make up of 3 wholesome attributes :-

(i) No-Self (attainment of Sainthood) - 无我,大舍。 Originate & transform from 1-pointedness concentration Jhana or Deep Samadhi (禅定)

(ii) Overwhelming Compassion - 大慈,大悲。  (Loving kindness for all sentinent beings, Overbearing Compassion to want to alleviate the sea of sufferings).

(iii) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧,大澈大悟。 Develop Panna Wisdom, Insights in true nature of self)

(2) Form or  or rupa or sex - is a representation of 12 dependants origination of life (the desires, feeling, consciousness to want to rebirth into any of the 6 realms sentinent beings) :-

(i) In mundane form - Many sperms that try to penetrate an egg in a womb.

(ii) In formless mundane - Many stray thoughts attempting to penetrate the impenetrable 3-Ring Fruition that sturdily protected by a very robust 3rd Ring of Panna Wisdom.

(iii) The Law of Karma (we reap what we sow), Law of Impermanency (change is constant) -- all apply to 6 realm sentinent beings with a body of mundane consciousness.

In a human body sitting in meditation - that :-

(1) Attain 1-pointednesss concentration Jhana & deep Samadhi

(2) Evolve & explode into vastness in Space that encompass & enwrap the Whole Universe

(3) Transform into 3-Ring Fruition that encompass & enwrap the Whole Universe with overwhelming and overbearing Compassion to want to liberate the last sentinent beings and the last grain of sands - so that no sentinent beings (of 5 Mental Aggregates) and no 4 Great Elements will be left out to ensure the Great Final Salvation, the Final Great Nirvana.

This human in meditation is a Mirror (明心见性)- Stillness and clarity of Bodhi Heart that see the true nature of Self (Form/Formless, 色/空 or nama/rupa or 12 dependant origination of life/Emptiness or sex/divine). That is, The Mirror (明心见性) – see the True Universal Law or Universal Truth.

1st Part - Expound of Universal Law - External Divinity - God / Allah, Heavenly realm as final salvation.

Now Judaism, Catholics, Chrisitianity, Islam - all start with Adam & Eve - that represent the Adam eating of "forbidden fruit" & have sex with Eve - that trigger the birth of human.

Adam has started the 12 dependant of origination of life - trigger by desires to give birth --- and as such the sperms penetrate to the eggs in the womb of Eve - and result in birth of sentinent beings.


Pse note that as long as there is body in human form - human body cannot control the desires (七情六欲) arising from the body (or what the Buddhism called the "pile of garbages") because of factors like sense consciousness (eye, touch, smell, hear, taste consciousness) that will arouse cognitive process such as feelings,perception, judgement & mental formation) not to mention hormone changes.

Only a human that practice meditation that attain Jhana and maintain in Samadhi can all desires be suppressed and eradicated if in Fruition. However, when a human exit from Jhana or resume life in human body form, half human desires will still return even though half will still maintain in supramundane consciousness.

Thus Adam & Eve will indulge in sexual desires and result in birth - and subsequently succumb to 3 evils roots of Hatred/Anger,Greed/Attachment & Ignorance of Universal Law - due to uncultivated Mind and Heart in meditation - when in human form or 6 realm sentinent beings form.

2nd Part - Expound of Universal Law - External Divinity & Internal Cultivation

Mainly expounded by Hinduism and Taoism - with main focus on cultivating Mind training and Heart training - through various methods of meditation but still relying on External Divine Help - God, Heavenly realm as final salvation.


Buddhism expound Universal Law focusing on both Part 1 & Part 2 - with Internal Cultivation - and Buddha as Master, Nirvana as Final Salvation.

Buddhism Bodhi Vow is to liberate ALL 6 realms sentinent beings.

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