So in mundane world, people always have the misconception that by “letting go” does it means forgoing everything – even basic necessities for survival such as jobs, food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education, transport etc.
The answer for mundane world is – we need to understand the “true meaning” of “letting go”.
A chincse phrase sum it up.
It means, the heart – clinging and craving (that come with expectation) let go. But the mundane things, jobs, responsibilities, duties and chores that govern the mundane lives must still be carry on through wholesome thoughts, speeches and actions – in order to lead a positive karma lives.
Unwholesome thoughts, speeches and actions – anchor on selflishness (attachment to Ego) / Greed, Hatred and Ignorance to Universal Law & Truth – will lead to a negative karma lives.
Clinging and craving (that come with expectation) - is the “cause of sufferings” – the 2nd Noble Truth.
苦,集,灭,道。(Where苦 or sufferings, is the result of集or clinging and craving that come with expectation. And if the expectation is not met, 苦 or sufferings arises.
Thus, 灭 or eradicate集or clinging and craving that come with expectation – will alleviate 苦 or sufferings.
Once, 集or clinging and craving that come with expectation is eradicated, 道 or clarity of mirror (明心见性)or Enlightenment arises – because the dirt (or 3 evil roots of hatred, attachment or greed and ignorance of Universal Law or Truth) – that cover the mirror is wipe clean and clarity (of the True Nature of Self) appear.
In layman term, “Contentment” is the key to alleviate Sufferings in Life.
Supramundane World – What is true meaning of “Letting Go” – No-Self (无我,大舍)- which is the entry into Sainthood (超凡入圣) – the phenonmenon is (脱胎换骨)
In Supramundane, “letting go” take on a more profound understanding.
The final “Big Let Go” at the verge of Spiritual Attainment is even letting go of the most precious gems of the meditators – the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dharma & Sangha) – our Masters of Nirvana & our families, our loved ones & finally our Ego (Self) & our body – before Jhana & 3-Ring Fruition Enlightenment will arise.
(ie. Letting go of Sangha who taught us – & who will leave us and let us carry on with our Spiritual journey.
Letting go of Buddha – who will depart and let us carry on with our Spiritual journey.
Letting go of Dharma, the Teachings – which we must also let go, as it is a tool that aid us and guide us on the path of Spiritual Attainment.
Letting go of our loved ones – which will cause us to cling on and crave on.
& finally Letting go of our Ego/Self and our Body/”A pile of garbages” or 一副臭皮囊 – in which all desires, expectation and desire to rebirth arise. Only then will Jhana and 3-Ring Fruition Enlightement arises – as the Mind & Heart are free from All Attachment – which no longer impede the “Clarity of True Nature of Self arising”.)
(Be very careful – when Letting go of our Ego/Self and our Body/”A pile of garbages” or 一副臭皮囊 – it does not imply “Commit Suicide”. The subtlelity of this 2 are opposite side of the poles. Where one will lead us to Enlightenment, the other one will lead us to Avici Hell. 一念涅槃,一念地狱。)
To illustrate in finer detail :-
(1) When the all the factors of 5 Mental Aggregates are reaching Equilibrium, stray thoughts reduce dramatically, bright light sun nimitta emerged, mind quiet down and when reach sustain mindfulness of the nimitta, 1-pointedness concentration of Jhana or Samadhi is attained.
This will happen because of “letting go” of all mundane vexation – that result in gross reduction of stray thoughts of mundane life vexation – and a proximate sun nimitta will appear.
To achieve 1-pointedness Jhana or Samadhi through sustained mindfulness, when mental faculties are ready (due to letting go of all mental faculties, which is also letting go of Self or Ego) – meditator must take a very courageous stand to “let go the body” (a pile of garbage) at this stage – which has the same feeling of “jumping down into a bottomless pit” – with extremely strong suction force or absorption into the sun nimitta when it get more and more intense (like sucking the cosmic bodies into a Black Hole).
(2) When Jhana or Samadhi is let go automatically – it will explode into 3-Ring Fruition of Enlightenment that encompass the whole Universe into Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss, Eternal Serenity, Eternal Equanimity – where no more stray thoughts arises, no more karma arises, no more impermanency arises - in the 3-Ring Fruition of Enlightenment that enwrap the whole Universe).
It is sum up in 2 profound phrases - that explain 2 profound Supramundane phenonmenon.
- 五蕴界空。(5 Mental Aggregates Emptiness)
- 四大界空。(4 Great Elements Emptiness)
So LETTING GO of ALL ATTACHMENT – is indeed the :-
(1) Cure of All Sufferings.
(2) Eradicating Sufferings is by “Letting Go”
(3) Nirvana or Enlightenment is attained by “Letting Go” in Mundane sense, in Supramundane sense
阿弥陀佛 !!!
So by "Letting Go" - in Mundane and Supramundane life - the 4 Noble Truth indeed is proven to alleviate from Eternal Sufferings.
苦 - Life is sufferings.
集 - Sufferings is a result of Attachment (Attachment to anything and to everything - is the ROOT CAUSE of sufferings).
灭 - To alleviate sufferings - "let go" of attachment.
道 - Only then, Universal Truth of the Universal Law will emerged - Enlightenment.
That is why, Sakyamuni Buddha expound His 1st discourse in Buddhism Dharma - the 4 Noble Truth - is the core of Buddhism Dharma - which is the most important - the "Real & Shortest Path to Nirvana" !!!
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