Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nimitta light from Jhana & Fruition - as oppose to near death experience light

Seems like it is a reverse process for near-death experience as oppose to a Meditator attaining Jhana & Fruition.

The near death experience is signified by - malfunction of 4 Great Elements - cardiac arrest first before it trigger heighten mental activity - of 5 Mental Aggregates to see the light - in preparation for rebirth.

A Meditator attaining Jhana & Fruition is a reverse process whereby 5 Mental Aggregates attain Emptiness and see the 1-pointedness nimitta light concentration & fruition light and then follow by 4 Great Elements Emptiness whereby the body become insignificant. At this stage, a Meditator traverse through a series of Supramundane realms following & corresponding to his attainment of various realms - notably the Form Heavenly Realms and the Formless Heavenly Realms and eventually into Nirvana 3-Ring Fruitions (华严三昧)。

A near death experience is almost a point of no return - because the body has to demise for the person to experience the light of rebirth. If the cardiac arrest are not saved by doctor, the person will bye bye from this world and rebirth into another life depending on his volition of karma via the light of heighten Mental activity. The near death experience, in other word, is non-repeatable. I believe it is possible for a near death experience person to know - where he will get rebirth to upon his passing - if his mental state is clear enough - as he shed his inhibition of his 4 Great Elements.

A Meditator attaining nimitta, Jhana and Fruition light is repeatable and it is characterise by heighten Mental Activities - of 5 Mental Aggregate first - before heighten activity in 4 Great Elements ---- heighten is too mild a word ---- "Rapturing of the 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements --- is a more appropriate word".

The Mental Activity of each stage of attainment are different depending on the Meditator attainment.

The Mental Activities of nimitta formation, the 1st Jhana attainment, the 2nd Jhana attainment, the 3rd Jhana attainment, the 4th Jhana attainment; the 5th Arupa Jhana attainment, the Formless Heavenly realm of Perception & Non-perception attainment, the Formless Heavenly realm of Nothingness & Non-nothingness attainment, the 3-Ring Fruition of Nirvana (华严三昧)attainment are different ---- which is characterise by different types of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Why rapturing neh?

Just like "Black Hole" - that suck in all the cosmic bodies into it --- it is a very powerful suction effects.

Attaining Jhana - 1-pointedness concenctraion into the bright light nimitta - is a similar effect - the suction into the bright light of the 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements is very powerful. So powerful that Human is called (脱胎换骨) (complete transform of human womb and human skeletion into Supramundane) - where all the 5 mundane consciousness activities are suck into the bright light and transformed into very distinct consciousness - never experienced in mundane consciousness - and replace by Supramundane consciousness never experienced in normal human on Earth.

Then what is Supramundane rapturing from Jhana to Fruition?

Like Supernova explosion of "Black Hole" that spew out cosmic bodies and lead to the formation of sun, planets, moons etc that form the Universe - the Jhana explosion into Fruition that expand outward and outward and outward and outward --- into Infinity with no ending in sight until the Universe is enwrap into 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) - where the Universe ends.

But one type of heavenly realm is bypass in Jhana & Fruition process wor - which one neh?

Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - mainly practiced by human who are kind, good moral conduct, follow precepts superbly. good people .... but did not practice meditation to attain Rupa Jhana or Arupa Jhana or Nirvana.

This sensual desire heavenly realm will enjoy maximum wealth, sensual happiness of courtesan, prosperity, power, authority etc - that is very much desire by human realms.

But strange enough, there is one Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - known as Tusita Heaven whereby Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas will dwell in --- with the sole purpose of rebirth into the Human realm to salvage sentinent beings in Human realm.

Why neh? Because all these Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas who are so skilled in Jhanas and Fruitions basking in Nirvana - will need to inherit karmas from sensual desires to be rebirth into Human realm. So where is the best place to inherit these karmas - Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - Tusita Heaven is the best Heavenly Realm is the best realm - because it is the Middle Path realms of all the Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm --- just like Human realm is the Middle Path of 6 sentinent beings realms.

Then why I say only Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas dwell in Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm - Tusita Heaven and not Arahats and Pacceka Buddhas neh?

Because Arahats and Pacceka Buddhas once attained Enlightenment and enter into Nirvana will dwell in Nirvana when they passed away and no longer rebirth into other realms as they do not make Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings.

Boddhisattvas and Aspirant Buddhas on the other hand, have made Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings. Thus in order to fulfil their respective Bodhi Vows, they will have to rebirth into Tusita Heaven of Sensual Desire Heavenly realm to enjoy the sensory desires before they inherit the karmas to be rebirth into Human realm to salvage sentinent beings and fulfil their Bodhi Vows.

So having identified sensory desires are the fuel that cause karma, some practitioner practice austerity - ie. external way to enforce strict regimen to "force" or "punish" sensual desires from arising. This is called 苦行 - and since this is "External" - it is not internalise.

Sakyamuni Buddha practice External 苦行 to the extreme - and discover that it bear no result & in fact reduce to "skin & bones" - because it is not internalise.

So Sakyamuni Buddha practice "Middle Path" - avoiding the extreme of austerity and extreme sensual desire of sense gratification - and practice internalise slow eradication of the 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment to Ego, Hatred - through Anapanasati and Vipassana Meditation - and only when He attain Enlightenment - did he eradicate the 3 evil roots and gain all the Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana.

Of course, as He still possess the Human body, half of his consciousness are still mundane consciousness in order for him to stay in the Human realm.

Thus in Human realm, He still need to maintain mindfulfulness and enter into Jhanas if situation warrants.

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