Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Supramundane Consciousness of the State Of Nirvana

The Supramundane Consciousness of the State Of Nirvana

Oh NeuroScientist -

Then what is Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana, the “Macro-Aspect of Emptiness”, there are 3 types:-

(1) Attainment of No-Self – this is Nirvana consciousness of Sainthood which is the pre-requisite properties of an Arahat, Pacceka Buddha, Bodhisattva and Buddha.
(2) Attainment of Compassion
(3) Attainment of Panna Wisdom

Buddha (the Awakened One, the Enlightenment) has 3 consciousnss properties :-

(1) OmniPresence – No Self
(2) OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion
(3) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom
     Minus – OmniPotent (Hell Based) - 魔.

Buddha has 3 Bodies :-

(1) Nirvana Body – Consciousness property of No-Self (OmniPresence) - Nirvana consciousness of Sainthood

(2) Human Body (or 6 sentinent body including entering into Hell – 佛不下地獄,谁下地獄 to liberate Hell Beings?) – manifestation of human body of mundane consciousness – like Sakyamuni Buddha in Human Realm to expound the profound and subtle discourse. Consciousness property of Compassion (OmniBenevolence – 大慈大悲) to liberate sentinent beings.

大慈 – Compassion to liberate (One way of Compassion to liberate is through the Awaken One’s Bodhi Vow to “create” a Pureland – a conducive environment to dwell in, to practice and attain Nirvana. Some religion called Noah Ark?
大悲 – Tearful on the sufferings of human beings, 6 sentinent beings

(3) Dharma Body – Consciousnes property of Panna Wisdom (般若智慧) – that govern the Universal Law or Truth – the Dharma.

In Nirvana, stray thoughts or consciousness does not arise within the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness of :-

(1) OmniPresence – No Self
(2) OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion
(3) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom

And stray thoughts or consciousness cannot penetrate the from outside the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness – stoutly defended by the “armour body mass or body shield” of OmniScience – Panna Wisdom that enwrap the other 2 consciousness – including the interior enwrap Universe.

Note:- whether the Universe expand or contract or collapse – is insignificant within the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness.

When this happen, the State of Nirvana is known as the State of Deathlessness – No Birth, No Death – because karma will not arise – as there are no stray thoughts or consciousness (anchor in 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment & Hatred or Anger) – and it was only anchor in the 3 Wholesome Roots of OmniPresence – No Self, OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion, OmniScience – Panna Wisdom). Thus, since Nirvana has no stray thoughts or consciousness = No Karmma = No Birth, No Death.

Very Important :--- This State of Nirvana is the most profound and subtle difference compare to the Highest Heaven of Nothingness and Non-Nothingness.

Nothingness and Non-Nothingness Heavenly Realm – use their Meditative power and willpower to “control”, “suppress” – stray thoughts or consciousness (anchor in 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment & Hatred or Anger) from arising. However when the Meditative power and willpower weaken or subside, Omnipotent consciousness arises – and this will elicit the volitional force of karma – that will jettison Him to a woeful state – if He wields His power for destructive actions to fulfil his desires for OmniPotency but not for good cause.

State of Nirvana – is where no stray thoughts or consciousness will arise (which is part of its inherent nature). No matter how much force or will power to cause even a stray thought or consciousness (that will invoke karma) to arise, it will not arise because of the inherent nature of Nirvana.

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