Sunday, October 14, 2012

OmniPotent erase Bodhi Heart

Oh NeuroScientist –

For which if the Consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇)arises :-

(1) No-Self (无我 ) – the pre-requisite of Sainthood vanish – what replace it is Big-Ego, Big-Self of OmniPotent of opposing pole of non-Saint.

(2) Compassion (大慈大悲) vanish – what replace it is Hatred, Anger, Revenge

(3) Panna Wisdom (般若智慧) vanish – what replace it is Ignorance of Universal Truth to see beyond the subject and object of OmniPotency

• This State has become a 魔 or Mara or Satan.

- Buddha (佛) of Bodhi Heart (菩提心) 卍 has bcome Nazism of魔 of atrocities, torture卐.

- Buddha (佛) of Sun Nimitta (1 pointedness concentration of 3-concentric circles of Fruition or Nirvana) has become Imperialism of Sun Aggression.

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