Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Consciousness that must not arise

If consciousness of OmniPotent(称覇)arise –

- Compassion cease. – Hatred, Anger, Revenge arise.
- No-Self cease. - Ego of Self, Control, Destruction if failure to obey arise.
- Panna Wisdom cease. - Ignorance of Supremacy, Intolerance, Impatience, Merciless arise.

Thus so much emphasis is put on – not to cause the consciousness of OmniPotent(称覇)to arise – whereby all merits accumulated are destroy – and from a wholesome state befall into a woeful state to become the “Mistaken One” ----- this is the tears of the “Awakened One”.

Be Compassionate – Everyone can live peacefully.
Be Merciful – Everyone have a home to live in.
Be Kind – Everyone can coexist and live in harmony.
Be Gracious – Everyone can forgive and forget hatred, anger and revenge.
Be Tolerant – Everyone can strive for Win-Win solution.
Be Patient – Everyone can wait out for the right time, best time, best environment to resolve your conflicts.
Be Inclusive – Everyone can mutually accept and coexist with one another.

These are the Divine Values that are unsurpassed.

These are the Divine Values that can ripple out to all 10 directions that encompass and enwrap the Universe – unhindered, unrepel, unyielding, unstoppable, unsurpass.

Yes indeed true. As long as human frequency, wavelength, channel, consciousness (eg. Voice consciousness, eye consciousness, touch consciousness etc) or subconciousness (mainly achieving supramundane consciousness) – in synch with the animal realm, it is possible to “communicate and mutually undertand” one another.

This is the same with other realms – seen, unseen, form, formless.

Science has again proven this.
Eg. Our pets, animals such as horse, cow, monkey, parrots, etc now whales can communicate with human when in synch.
So who say One-in-All is not All-in-One – in this Universal Law?

So why human and sentinent beings in these Universe cannot coexist peacefully and harmoniously with one another ?

One-in-All & All-in-One – is “Mutually Inclusiveness” – enwrap in the Whole Universe. And 3 Divine Values are the properties of One-in-All & All-in-One – “Mutually Inclusiveness” :–

(1) OmniBenevolence – Overwhelming and All Encompassing Compassion.
(2) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom
(3) OmniPresence – All Enwrapping, All Encompassing, All Coexistence with all Realms – through 5 Mental Aggregates of Mundane Consciousness &/or Supramundane Consciousess and 4 Great Elements of Air, Temperature, Liquid, Matter.

OmniBenevolence – Overwhelming and All Encompassing Compassion – means all 10 realm of sentinent beings including 4 Great Elements whereby even the last grain of sands must be save and remain intact.

Else even when the last sentinent being fail to be salvaged (eg. Last sentinent being in the Greater Hell of Avici) and the last grain of sands drop off from the Enwrapping Universe – it will be the weakest link in the Final Great Salvation – and everything will fall apart again in the Law of Impermanency – starting off another new Universe of 6 realms of sentinent beings sufferings !!!

Only then will Universe be Complete.
Only then will this be True OmniBenevolence, True OmniPresence, True OmniScience – whereby no one (5 mental aggregates) will be left behind in Final Great Salvation; no last grain of sand (4 Great Elements) will be left behind in the Final Great Salvation – in the State of Deathlessness – No birth, No Death – Eternal Bliss and Peace.

大乗佛法 大普度 !!! (Mahayana Buddhism - The Final Great Salvation)

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