Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mundane consciousness of Human Realm

Mundane consciousness of Human Realm

Oh NeuroScientist –

Mundane consciousness that characterise the Human Realm – are cognitive process that comprise of stimuli and responses :-

- Stimuli arising from ear (sound)-consciousess, eye (sight)-consciousness, touch-consciousnss, smell-consciousness, taste-consciousness that cause the arising of complex cognitive process :-

- Whereby feelings develop – positive (good) feelings, negative (bad) feelings or neutral feelings

- Perception develops based on past experiences, what was taught to us, how we perceived things

- Human made judgement – based on consciousness, feelings and perception

- A mental formation is crystallised – and this thought process will result in speeches and actions.

• But mundane consciousness in the mind of Human Realm + linkages to the heart base – are like a pool of “murky” water + outside interferences that produce wave and wave of rippling water (eg. Many pebbles throw into the murky pool of water) – is the characteristics of the Human Mind and Heart --- that are unsteady in nature ----- due to 3 “evil roots” – that are inherent or intrinsic in nature – namely Ignorance, Greed and Hatred – the day when a Human is born. (Note :- These 3 evil roots is not only inherent in Human – but other 5 realms – in which the 3 evil roots vary in veracity – depending on the realms – eg. Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm, Human realm and Heavenly realm).

• Human realm is say to be “the best realm” to attain Final Salvation – because the 3 evil roots and 3 wholesome roots --- are more or less balance or equal --- it is easy to achieve Equilibrium of the Mind and Heart to attain Nirvana – by proper cultivation.

• The 3 evil roots of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred are further sub-categorise in other Human manifestation of both wholesome and unwholesome consciousness and cognitive process :-

- Anger vs Calm
- Blame vs Praise
- Hostile vs Friendly
- Jealousy vs Give and Take
- Revenge vs Benevolence
- Etc etc etc ----- human know all these ---- too long to elaborate

Oh NeuroScientist –

The consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation – that result in thought process, speech and action ---- are too murky, confused, unstable in most Human – when Human Mind and Heart is not calm, attached to anything and everything that they like and refused to let go --- due to the interwork of 3 evil roots – of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred --- that all mundane consciousness cannot be distinctly, discretely identified and stabilise --- thus result in fluctuation of mood, unhappiness etc that are not stable ----- because of the attachment to protect our human body (from harm, unpleasantness, the desire for comfort, food, etc) ---- thus resulting in :-

(1) yo-yo economy that go up and down
(2) political relationship that go up and down
(3) change in nature – that come on and off

– Thus Heart and Mind – change the environment and nature around us :-

• 大地万法唯心造, 由因缘而生,由因缘而灭。

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