Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Consciousness that must not arise

If consciousness of OmniPotent(称覇)arise –

- Compassion cease. – Hatred, Anger, Revenge arise.
- No-Self cease. - Ego of Self, Control, Destruction if failure to obey arise.
- Panna Wisdom cease. - Ignorance of Supremacy, Intolerance, Impatience, Merciless arise.

Thus so much emphasis is put on – not to cause the consciousness of OmniPotent(称覇)to arise – whereby all merits accumulated are destroy – and from a wholesome state befall into a woeful state to become the “Mistaken One” ----- this is the tears of the “Awakened One”.

Be Compassionate – Everyone can live peacefully.
Be Merciful – Everyone have a home to live in.
Be Kind – Everyone can coexist and live in harmony.
Be Gracious – Everyone can forgive and forget hatred, anger and revenge.
Be Tolerant – Everyone can strive for Win-Win solution.
Be Patient – Everyone can wait out for the right time, best time, best environment to resolve your conflicts.
Be Inclusive – Everyone can mutually accept and coexist with one another.

These are the Divine Values that are unsurpassed.

These are the Divine Values that can ripple out to all 10 directions that encompass and enwrap the Universe – unhindered, unrepel, unyielding, unstoppable, unsurpass.

Yes indeed true. As long as human frequency, wavelength, channel, consciousness (eg. Voice consciousness, eye consciousness, touch consciousness etc) or subconciousness (mainly achieving supramundane consciousness) – in synch with the animal realm, it is possible to “communicate and mutually undertand” one another.

This is the same with other realms – seen, unseen, form, formless.

Science has again proven this.
Eg. Our pets, animals such as horse, cow, monkey, parrots, etc now whales can communicate with human when in synch.
So who say One-in-All is not All-in-One – in this Universal Law?

So why human and sentinent beings in these Universe cannot coexist peacefully and harmoniously with one another ?

One-in-All & All-in-One – is “Mutually Inclusiveness” – enwrap in the Whole Universe. And 3 Divine Values are the properties of One-in-All & All-in-One – “Mutually Inclusiveness” :–

(1) OmniBenevolence – Overwhelming and All Encompassing Compassion.
(2) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom
(3) OmniPresence – All Enwrapping, All Encompassing, All Coexistence with all Realms – through 5 Mental Aggregates of Mundane Consciousness &/or Supramundane Consciousess and 4 Great Elements of Air, Temperature, Liquid, Matter.

OmniBenevolence – Overwhelming and All Encompassing Compassion – means all 10 realm of sentinent beings including 4 Great Elements whereby even the last grain of sands must be save and remain intact.

Else even when the last sentinent being fail to be salvaged (eg. Last sentinent being in the Greater Hell of Avici) and the last grain of sands drop off from the Enwrapping Universe – it will be the weakest link in the Final Great Salvation – and everything will fall apart again in the Law of Impermanency – starting off another new Universe of 6 realms of sentinent beings sufferings !!!

Only then will Universe be Complete.
Only then will this be True OmniBenevolence, True OmniPresence, True OmniScience – whereby no one (5 mental aggregates) will be left behind in Final Great Salvation; no last grain of sand (4 Great Elements) will be left behind in the Final Great Salvation – in the State of Deathlessness – No birth, No Death – Eternal Bliss and Peace.

大乗佛法 大普度 !!! (Mahayana Buddhism - The Final Great Salvation)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

OmniPotent erase Bodhi Heart

Oh NeuroScientist –

For which if the Consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇)arises :-

(1) No-Self (无我 ) – the pre-requisite of Sainthood vanish – what replace it is Big-Ego, Big-Self of OmniPotent of opposing pole of non-Saint.

(2) Compassion (大慈大悲) vanish – what replace it is Hatred, Anger, Revenge

(3) Panna Wisdom (般若智慧) vanish – what replace it is Ignorance of Universal Truth to see beyond the subject and object of OmniPotency

• This State has become a 魔 or Mara or Satan.

- Buddha (佛) of Bodhi Heart (菩提心) 卍 has bcome Nazism of魔 of atrocities, torture卐.

- Buddha (佛) of Sun Nimitta (1 pointedness concentration of 3-concentric circles of Fruition or Nirvana) has become Imperialism of Sun Aggression.

Mundane consciousness of Human Realm

Mundane consciousness of Human Realm

Oh NeuroScientist –

Mundane consciousness that characterise the Human Realm – are cognitive process that comprise of stimuli and responses :-

- Stimuli arising from ear (sound)-consciousess, eye (sight)-consciousness, touch-consciousnss, smell-consciousness, taste-consciousness that cause the arising of complex cognitive process :-

- Whereby feelings develop – positive (good) feelings, negative (bad) feelings or neutral feelings

- Perception develops based on past experiences, what was taught to us, how we perceived things

- Human made judgement – based on consciousness, feelings and perception

- A mental formation is crystallised – and this thought process will result in speeches and actions.

• But mundane consciousness in the mind of Human Realm + linkages to the heart base – are like a pool of “murky” water + outside interferences that produce wave and wave of rippling water (eg. Many pebbles throw into the murky pool of water) – is the characteristics of the Human Mind and Heart --- that are unsteady in nature ----- due to 3 “evil roots” – that are inherent or intrinsic in nature – namely Ignorance, Greed and Hatred – the day when a Human is born. (Note :- These 3 evil roots is not only inherent in Human – but other 5 realms – in which the 3 evil roots vary in veracity – depending on the realms – eg. Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm, Human realm and Heavenly realm).

• Human realm is say to be “the best realm” to attain Final Salvation – because the 3 evil roots and 3 wholesome roots --- are more or less balance or equal --- it is easy to achieve Equilibrium of the Mind and Heart to attain Nirvana – by proper cultivation.

• The 3 evil roots of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred are further sub-categorise in other Human manifestation of both wholesome and unwholesome consciousness and cognitive process :-

- Anger vs Calm
- Blame vs Praise
- Hostile vs Friendly
- Jealousy vs Give and Take
- Revenge vs Benevolence
- Etc etc etc ----- human know all these ---- too long to elaborate

Oh NeuroScientist –

The consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation – that result in thought process, speech and action ---- are too murky, confused, unstable in most Human – when Human Mind and Heart is not calm, attached to anything and everything that they like and refused to let go --- due to the interwork of 3 evil roots – of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred --- that all mundane consciousness cannot be distinctly, discretely identified and stabilise --- thus result in fluctuation of mood, unhappiness etc that are not stable ----- because of the attachment to protect our human body (from harm, unpleasantness, the desire for comfort, food, etc) ---- thus resulting in :-

(1) yo-yo economy that go up and down
(2) political relationship that go up and down
(3) change in nature – that come on and off

– Thus Heart and Mind – change the environment and nature around us :-

• 大地万法唯心造, 由因缘而生,由因缘而灭。

Supramundane consciousness of Rupa Jhana consciousness of Form Heavenly Realm

Oh NeuroScientist –

Then what is Supramudane consciousness?

Supramundane consciousness is the consciousness of :-

(1) 2 higher plane of Heavenly Realm (not including the Sensual Plane of Heavenly Realm – which mainly inherit the mundane consciousness of Human Realm – except that the environment is much more pleasant than the environment in Human realm and have a longer life span than human realm).

(2) The State of Nirvana

Supramundane consciousness of Rupa Jhana consciousness of Form Heavenly Realm

The Supramundane consciousness are distinct, discrete, and extremely stable --- unlike mundane consciousness that are murky, confusing, unstable, erratic.

Let us first describe the First Higher Plane of Heavenly Realm known as Rupa Jhana Heavenly Plane – the Form Heavenly Realm, the following are the distinct consciousness :-

(1) The 5 Mental Aggregates of - ear (sound)-consciousess, eye (sight)-consciousness, touch-consciousnss, smell-consciousness, taste-consciousness – are no longer significant due to the process of Jhana Samadhi of 1 pointed concentration ---- that cause all consciousness to be suppressed into such a manner that are no longer significant ---- 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness.

(2) The 4 Great Elements of Matter (Body), Water, Temperature, Air – are suppressed and no longer significant ---- 4 Great Element Emptiness.

(3) Only 5 consciousness are wilfully distinct, discrete and extremely stable :-

- Initial application of a focus object (sun nimitta, an object of focus)

- Sustained application of the focus object

- Happiness

- Bliss

- Equanimity – on 1-pointed concentration of the sun nimitta or an object of focus

- (Pse note:- this is a form realm – even though the body is not significant – the body of existence is essential)

- (4) Demise of the form realm – this is when the Equanimity – on 1-pointed concentration of the sun nimitta or an object of focus is lost ----- the body become significant again --- and this mark the demising of the Heavenly Being --- when mundane consciousness sets in after aeons in the Form Heavenly Realm.

• Oh NeuroScientist, Psychologists, Psychiatrists – if you all are able to conduct scientific research and provide medical treatment to the Human of mundane consciousness – I believe you are able to appreciate what is describe in the Supramundane consciousness ---- at least in the Form Heavenly Realm of Rupa Jhana ---- because there is a body of significance --- in the form realm.

• Supramundane in the Arupa Jhana of Formless Heavenly Realm - & finally the Fruition of Nirvana State ---- will be more difficult to grasp --- as body or physical presence are no longer significance ---- as it immerse to the Vastness and Infinitiveness and the Depth of the Universe …………

A statement to describe this :-

• 色已是空, 空已是色 以禅为本. 以定为根. 万法唯心造. 因缘由心生. 尽虚空遍法界. 天马行空任遨游.


Supramundane consciousness of Arupa Jhana of Form Heavenly Realm

Supramundane consciousness of Arupa Jhana of Form Heavenly Realm

Oh NeuroScientist –

The Supramundane consciousness of Rupa Jhana of Form Heavenly Realm is the “Micro-Aspect” of Emptiness – liken the nature of “Black Hole” – as the supramundane consciousness are focus on the body as He experience Emptiness of His 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements of His Physical Body – and experience such consciousness – He can go without food and drink – as His body is no longer significance as long as He is in Rupa Jhana Samadhi.

Now, then what is the Supramundane consciousness of Arupa Jhana of Formless Heavenly Realms that are make up of 2 types :-

(1) Perception and Non-Perception

(2) Nothingness and Non-Nothingness

Oh NeuroScienist –

Then what are the Supramundane consciousness of the Arupa Jhana Formless Heavenly Realm of Perception & Non-Perception as well as Nothningness & Non-Nothingness – the Highest Heavenly Realm in the Universe.

The Supramundane consciousness of Arupa Jhana Formless Heavenly Realm are as follows :-

(1) Equanimity of one-pointedness concentration Samadhi – into sun nimitta – the object of focus.

(2) From Equanimity of one-pointedness concentration of sun nimitta – the sun nimitta light expands outward in all 10 directions that cover the entire neighbourhood, the entire community, the entire country, the entire world, the entire earth and the entire universe.

The consciousness is made up of :-

– The speed of Nimitta Light in which it travel – silent, comforting,

- The Vastness of Light the encompass the Whole Universe

– The Infinity of Light that seems unending, unyielding.

- The Voidness – that if the Universe expand, the Infinity of Light expand; that if the Universe contract, the Infinity of Light contract.

- The Enwrapping – that enwrap the Entire Universe at its circumference

Perception & Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Realm

• At this point in time, Perception & Non-Perception develops – thinking that He has cover the whole of Universe – and that He is Supreme – OmniPotent (称覇) consciousness develops – because he feel that he can control, dominate, create or destroy the Universe – as he wish.

• When such OmniPotent (称覇) consciousness develops, Karma sets in – an mark the demise of this Heavenly Being - the opposing pole of OmniPotent – will jettison the Heavenly Being into – Avici Hell (阿鼻地地獄)。

• However, if the Heavenly Being did not develop the consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇), he has an extremely long life-span, the life-span of the Universe of aeons and aeons.

• Perception & Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Realm is the 2nd Highest Heavenly Realm in the Universe.

Nothingness & Non-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm

• If the Heavenly Being is successful in controlling and preventing the stray thoughts and consciousness of Perception & Non-Perception of controlling, dominating, create and destroy as He wishes – He will move on to prevent and control any stray thoughts from arising.

• Pse note, He “control” and “prevent” any stray thoughts and any consciousness from arising. No wonder Human in the World can perform such feat of using His Medtiative Power, Will Power to “control” and “prevent” any stray thoughts and any consciousness from arising.

• As he succeed in doing so, Nothingness & Non-nothingness is achieved.

• As Nothingness & Non-nothingness will pervade, cover and enwrap the Entire Universe – whereby the consciousness of Nothingness & Non-nothingness will also not arise – He has attained the Highest Heavenly Realm.

• At this point in time, as the Heavenly Being achieved Nothingness & Non-nothingness covering the whole of Universe – OmniPotent (称覇) consciousness develops – because he feel that he can control, dominate, create or destroy the Universe – as he wish.

• When such OmniPotent (称覇) consciousness develops, Karma sets in – an mark the demise of this Heavenly Being - the opposing pole of OmniPotent – will jettison the Heavenly Being into – Avici Hell (阿鼻地地獄)。

• However, if the Heavenly Being did not develop the consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇), he has an extremely long life-span, the life-span of the Universe of aeons and aeons.

• Nothingness & Non-nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm is the Highest Heavenly Realm in the Universe.

Note:- However, both Heavenly Realm of Formless – still possess the 3 “evil roots” – of Ignorance, Greed and Anger – though very sublime, subtle – because they still possess the concept and idea of OmniPotent (称覇)- with the root cause of “Ignorance of Universal Truth of Final Salvation”, Attachment or Greed to the consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇)and Anger if the Heavenly Being is not able to fulfil the consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇).

This is what is called :-



OmniScience, OmniPresence, OmniBenevolence =一念净土, 一念佛界.

OmniPotent =一念地獄, 一念魔刧。

• Oh NeuroScientist –

• So much emphasis are not to be put on the consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇)- for States of Big Power, States of Small Power, All Mighty, All Dominance, All Powerderful – because He will be the “Mistaken One” and not the “Awakened One” – for the next Rebirth – through the Volitional Force of Karmma – will jettison Him to Avici Hell (阿鼻地地獄)。

• This evoke the Tears of the Awakened One, the Enlightened One – for so near, He would have been Awakened, but for stray thought of consciousness of OmniPotent (称覇)that He is not able to eradicate, He fall into the Eternal Hell of Avici Hell (阿鼻地地獄)。

• That why a Brahma Vedic (the Highest Heavenly Realm of 4 face-Buddha of Nothingness & Non-Nothingness that cover all 4 corners of the Universe) appear before the Lord Buddha (the Awakened One) to expound the profound and so subtle discourse to liberate the 6 realms of sentinent beings.

The Supramundane Consciousness of the State Of Nirvana

The Supramundane Consciousness of the State Of Nirvana

Oh NeuroScientist -

Then what is Supramundane consciousness of Nirvana, the “Macro-Aspect of Emptiness”, there are 3 types:-

(1) Attainment of No-Self – this is Nirvana consciousness of Sainthood which is the pre-requisite properties of an Arahat, Pacceka Buddha, Bodhisattva and Buddha.
(2) Attainment of Compassion
(3) Attainment of Panna Wisdom

Buddha (the Awakened One, the Enlightenment) has 3 consciousnss properties :-

(1) OmniPresence – No Self
(2) OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion
(3) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom
     Minus – OmniPotent (Hell Based) - 魔.

Buddha has 3 Bodies :-

(1) Nirvana Body – Consciousness property of No-Self (OmniPresence) - Nirvana consciousness of Sainthood

(2) Human Body (or 6 sentinent body including entering into Hell – 佛不下地獄,谁下地獄 to liberate Hell Beings?) – manifestation of human body of mundane consciousness – like Sakyamuni Buddha in Human Realm to expound the profound and subtle discourse. Consciousness property of Compassion (OmniBenevolence – 大慈大悲) to liberate sentinent beings.

大慈 – Compassion to liberate (One way of Compassion to liberate is through the Awaken One’s Bodhi Vow to “create” a Pureland – a conducive environment to dwell in, to practice and attain Nirvana. Some religion called Noah Ark?
大悲 – Tearful on the sufferings of human beings, 6 sentinent beings

(3) Dharma Body – Consciousnes property of Panna Wisdom (般若智慧) – that govern the Universal Law or Truth – the Dharma.

In Nirvana, stray thoughts or consciousness does not arise within the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness of :-

(1) OmniPresence – No Self
(2) OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion
(3) OmniScience – Panna Wisdom

And stray thoughts or consciousness cannot penetrate the from outside the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness – stoutly defended by the “armour body mass or body shield” of OmniScience – Panna Wisdom that enwrap the other 2 consciousness – including the interior enwrap Universe.

Note:- whether the Universe expand or contract or collapse – is insignificant within the 3 ring-Fruition consciousness.

When this happen, the State of Nirvana is known as the State of Deathlessness – No Birth, No Death – because karma will not arise – as there are no stray thoughts or consciousness (anchor in 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment & Hatred or Anger) – and it was only anchor in the 3 Wholesome Roots of OmniPresence – No Self, OmniBenevolence – Infinite Compassion, OmniScience – Panna Wisdom). Thus, since Nirvana has no stray thoughts or consciousness = No Karmma = No Birth, No Death.

Very Important :--- This State of Nirvana is the most profound and subtle difference compare to the Highest Heaven of Nothingness and Non-Nothingness.

Nothingness and Non-Nothingness Heavenly Realm – use their Meditative power and willpower to “control”, “suppress” – stray thoughts or consciousness (anchor in 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or Attachment & Hatred or Anger) from arising. However when the Meditative power and willpower weaken or subside, Omnipotent consciousness arises – and this will elicit the volitional force of karma – that will jettison Him to a woeful state – if He wields His power for destructive actions to fulfil his desires for OmniPotency but not for good cause.

State of Nirvana – is where no stray thoughts or consciousness will arise (which is part of its inherent nature). No matter how much force or will power to cause even a stray thought or consciousness (that will invoke karma) to arise, it will not arise because of the inherent nature of Nirvana.