Saturday, March 23, 2013

Universe transformation & Emptiness

An artist's impression of a growing supermassive black hole located in the early Universe is seen in this NASA handout illustration released on June 15, 2011. REUTERS/NASA/Chandra X-Ray Observatory/A.Hobart/Handout/Files
Diagram 1 - 1-pointedness Jhana Samadhi (5 Mental Aggregates) = 1 Super Black Hole (4 Great Elements) - suck everything into it.

A theory that the universe transformed from subatomic to its current size in split seconds find support in new data.
Diagram 2 - Explode into 3-Ring Frutition enwrapping the whole Universe (Supramundane consciousness) & 12 Dependant Origination of Life (Mundane consciousness) = Explode into formation of Universe

"A theory that the universe transformed from subatomic to its current size in split seconds finds support - Big Bang."

Yes this theory is correct - which is the formation of the 4 Great Elements - matter, air, liquid, temperature - through the Black Hole Big Bang.

But before the formation of the 4 Great Elements - which is the 2nd stage process, there will be a 1st stage process known as 5 Mental Aggregates from a 1-pointed concentration Jhana - and explode into a massive 3-ring Fruitions (comprising No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom) that enwraps the explosion of the Black Hole Big Bang that form the Universe through the 4 Great Elements.

That is 2 stage process in the formation of Universe :-

(1) Formation of 5 Mental Aggregates (1-pointedness Jhana Emptiness of 5-sense consciousness - ear-consciousness, eye-consciousness, smell-consciousness, touch-consciousness, taste-consiousness; feelings, perceptions, judgement, mental formation) - once 1-pointedness Jhana that lead to Emptiness of 5 Mental Aggregates is attained in steady state for a long while - in split-seconds it will explode into 3-Rings Fruitions that expand outward further and further until it encompass and enwrap the whole Universe. When this enwrapment is settled, the mirror image of Samsara - the "Sea of Sufferings" - the 12 dependant Origination of Life will surface - signify by sperms and womb - that will depict the 1st evolution of life in the Universe on Earth.

In other words, there are 2 parts of 5 Mental Aggregates formation - the lst part is the Supramundane consciousnsess formation - signified by 1-pointedness Jhana formation and 3-Ring Fruition formation.

The 2nd part is the Mundane consciousness formation - signified by 12 dependant Origniation of Life - signified by sentinent beings of mundane consciousness, feelings, becoming, sense desires etc.

(2) Formation of 4 Great Elements - that closely mirror the Formation of 5 Mental Aggregates - Big Bang from Super Black Hole - the Universe transformed from subatomic to its current size in split seconds --- is accurate.

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