Meditation is the most effective method to :-
(1) maintain focus. At maximum focus, 1 pointedness concentration is achieved.
(2) achieve mindfulness. At maximum minfulness, ensure continuous mindfulness of every thoughts, speeches and actions.
The outcome of perfected 1-pointedness concentration & continuous mindfulness will bring about 3 values :-
(1) No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍。
(2) Compassion - 大慈,大悲。
(3) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧。
Attaining No-self, no-ego - 无我,大舍 - is the attainment of Sainthood (超凡入圣)。
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Heart Sutra (心经 ) - 色 & 空 - Mundane & Supramundane - Form & Formless - dualistic state - the State of Nirvana (涅槃)
Why in Heart Sutra, 2 main concepts are being brought into focus which is 色 & 空.
Because in Nirvana - there are 2 dualistic states - Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) and 12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - 色).
Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) - is an Eternal Peace & Bliss - where everything is Silence - No Birth, No Death.
12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - 色) - is a desire to be born, to live and aversiveness of sickness and death - a vicious cycle that will go round-and-round - until One found the means to end it and transform it into Eternal Peace & Bliss - with No Birth, No Death.
The entire ecosystem of how a society, country, community, family and inter-countries relationship are formed - are surrounded on 4 mundane states ie. :-
1. Birth
2. Life
3. Sickness & Old Age
4. Death
Thus Government policies, trade, investment, travel, territorial sovereignty etc are surrounding human 4 mundane states of :-
1. Birth - Marriage Law, Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Population replacement, immigration policies, healthcare for giving birth etc.
2. Life - education, jobs, social policies, community living, leisure, travel, trade, investment, country-to-country relationship, territorial sovereignty, resources security, food security, environmental protection, R&D, religion etc.
3. Sickness & Old Age - healthcare, insurance, hospitalisation care, elderly care etc.
4. Death - religion, afterlife, estate, etc.
The entire ecosystem of No Birth, No Death is so simple - that surround 2 Supramundane State & 1 mundane state - Nirvana State:-
(1) 1 pointedness concentration Jhana - Samadhi
(2) 3-Ring Fruition
(3) 12 dependant origniation of life
(Achieve through meditation).This will eradicate 3 evil roots of Ignorance (Delusion), Hatred (Anger) & Greed (Attachment) in mundane life.
Meditation technique - Samadhi meditation (Anapanasati) or (Concentration meditation) & Vipassana meditation (Mindfulness meditation or Insight meditation)
Human life is so short - less than 100 years.
No point to fight, no point to go into war, no point to conflict and dispute - will lock into endless cycle of unwholesome karma (retribution) - that lead to endless cycle of unwholesome state of fighting, quarrel, violence, war.
Human life is the Middle Path of 6 realm sentinent beings - with half happiness and half sufferings. Use this Middle Path - to practice and attainment final salvation into Nirvana - into Eternal Peace and Bliss - No Birth, No Death, No Sufferings.
Because in Nirvana - there are 2 dualistic states - Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) and 12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - 色).
Emptiness (3-Ring Fruition) (Supramundane consciousness - 空) - is an Eternal Peace & Bliss - where everything is Silence - No Birth, No Death.
12 Dependant Origination of Life (mundane consciousness - 色) - is a desire to be born, to live and aversiveness of sickness and death - a vicious cycle that will go round-and-round - until One found the means to end it and transform it into Eternal Peace & Bliss - with No Birth, No Death.
The entire ecosystem of how a society, country, community, family and inter-countries relationship are formed - are surrounded on 4 mundane states ie. :-
1. Birth
2. Life
3. Sickness & Old Age
4. Death
Thus Government policies, trade, investment, travel, territorial sovereignty etc are surrounding human 4 mundane states of :-
1. Birth - Marriage Law, Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Population replacement, immigration policies, healthcare for giving birth etc.
2. Life - education, jobs, social policies, community living, leisure, travel, trade, investment, country-to-country relationship, territorial sovereignty, resources security, food security, environmental protection, R&D, religion etc.
3. Sickness & Old Age - healthcare, insurance, hospitalisation care, elderly care etc.
4. Death - religion, afterlife, estate, etc.
The entire ecosystem of No Birth, No Death is so simple - that surround 2 Supramundane State & 1 mundane state - Nirvana State:-
(1) 1 pointedness concentration Jhana - Samadhi
(2) 3-Ring Fruition
(3) 12 dependant origniation of life
(Achieve through meditation).This will eradicate 3 evil roots of Ignorance (Delusion), Hatred (Anger) & Greed (Attachment) in mundane life.
Meditation technique - Samadhi meditation (Anapanasati) or (Concentration meditation) & Vipassana meditation (Mindfulness meditation or Insight meditation)
Human life is so short - less than 100 years.
No point to fight, no point to go into war, no point to conflict and dispute - will lock into endless cycle of unwholesome karma (retribution) - that lead to endless cycle of unwholesome state of fighting, quarrel, violence, war.
Human life is the Middle Path of 6 realm sentinent beings - with half happiness and half sufferings. Use this Middle Path - to practice and attainment final salvation into Nirvana - into Eternal Peace and Bliss - No Birth, No Death, No Sufferings.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Universe transformation & Emptiness
Diagram 1 - 1-pointedness Jhana Samadhi (5 Mental Aggregates) = 1 Super Black Hole (4 Great Elements) - suck everything into it.
Diagram 2 - Explode into 3-Ring Frutition enwrapping the whole Universe (Supramundane consciousness) & 12 Dependant Origination of Life (Mundane consciousness) = Explode into formation of Universe
"A theory that the universe transformed from subatomic to its current size in split seconds finds support - Big Bang."
Yes this theory is correct - which is the formation of the 4 Great Elements - matter, air, liquid, temperature - through the Black Hole Big Bang.
But before the formation of the 4 Great Elements - which is the 2nd stage process, there will be a 1st stage process known as 5 Mental Aggregates from a 1-pointed concentration Jhana - and explode into a massive 3-ring Fruitions (comprising No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom) that enwraps the explosion of the Black Hole Big Bang that form the Universe through the 4 Great Elements.
That is 2 stage process in the formation of Universe :-
(1) Formation of 5 Mental Aggregates (1-pointedness Jhana Emptiness of 5-sense consciousness - ear-consciousness, eye-consciousness, smell-consciousness, touch-consciousness, taste-consiousness; feelings, perceptions, judgement, mental formation) - once 1-pointedness Jhana that lead to Emptiness of 5 Mental Aggregates is attained in steady state for a long while - in split-seconds it will explode into 3-Rings Fruitions that expand outward further and further until it encompass and enwrap the whole Universe. When this enwrapment is settled, the mirror image of Samsara - the "Sea of Sufferings" - the 12 dependant Origination of Life will surface - signify by sperms and womb - that will depict the 1st evolution of life in the Universe on Earth.
In other words, there are 2 parts of 5 Mental Aggregates formation - the lst part is the Supramundane consciousnsess formation - signified by 1-pointedness Jhana formation and 3-Ring Fruition formation.
The 2nd part is the Mundane consciousness formation - signified by 12 dependant Origniation of Life - signified by sentinent beings of mundane consciousness, feelings, becoming, sense desires etc.
(2) Formation of 4 Great Elements - that closely mirror the Formation of 5 Mental Aggregates - Big Bang from Super Black Hole - the Universe transformed from subatomic to its current size in split seconds --- is accurate.
Friday, March 15, 2013
空 or "Emptiness" or OOM or "Higgs boson"。
It is a phenomenon experienced by the Enlightened Ones who have experienced "Emptiness" or 空 - a 2 stage process known as :-
Stage 1 - Emptiness in 5 Mental Aggregates (五蕴皆空)
Stage 2 - Emptiness in 4 Great Elements (四大皆空)
The Enlightened Ones experienced Stage 1 before entering into Stage 2.
"Higgs boson" - is trying to prove Stage 2 - Stage 2 - Emptiness in 4 Great Elements (四大皆空)- of Origin of Mass Particle" - OOM.
When Stage 1 & Stage 2 are experienced - Nirvana is Attained.
(Note:- This phenomenon is pervasively documented in Buddhist script like Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Infinite Pureland Life Sutra, Nirvana Sutra, Abidharma sutra etc) - since few thousands years ago after PariNirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha.)
(This phenomenon is also experienced by the Enlightened Ones).
from the Buddhism Heart Sutra mantra - "OM Mani Padme Hum".
The mantra emitted from the Enlightened One - "Kwan Shi Yin Boddhisattva" - a Compassion Boddhisattva.
0, 0.1, 0.2 ................................... 0.99999999999999.... 1 - 1st Universe
0 - is Nothingness
0.1..................................... 0.99999999999999.... ---- Higg Boons
1 - is Form (色)
0, 0.1, 0.2 ................................... 0.99999999999999.... - is Emptiness (空)- formless.
(Science before Higg Boon - only understand 0 - nothingness and 1 form).
Thus nothingness (0) is not Emptiness (0, 0.1, 0.2 ................................... 0.99999999999999.... ) - in which Emptiness is made up of vacuum plus "Higgs boon".
and the form 1.
In mundane, we see the physical mundane world of 1 - unless with the help of science or tools to see the proton, nucleus etc.
In Science - Higgs Boson discovery that coincide with Enlightened expericnce :-
Discovering the Higgs boson would also help explain how two of the fundamental forces of the universe — the electromagnetic force that governs interactions between charged particles, and the weak force that's responsible for radioactive decay — can be unified.
Every force in nature is associated with a particle. The particle tied to electromagnetism is the photon, a tiny, massless particle. The weak force is associated with particles called the W and Z bosons, which are very massive.
The Higgs mechanism is thought to be responsible for this.
"If you introduce the Higgs field, the W and Z bosons mix with the field, and through this mixing they acquire mass," Strandberg said."This explains why the W and Z bosons have mass, and also unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces into the electroweak force."
Discovering the Higgs boson would also help explain how two of the fundamental forces of the universe — the electromagnetic force that governs interactions between charged particles, and the weak force that's responsible for radioactive decay — can be unified.
Every force in nature is associated with a particle. The particle tied to electromagnetism is the photon, a tiny, massless particle. The weak force is associated with particles called the W and Z bosons, which are very massive.
The Higgs mechanism is thought to be responsible for this.
"If you introduce the Higgs field, the W and Z bosons mix with the field, and through this mixing they acquire mass," Strandberg said. "This explains why the W and Z bosons have mass, and also unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces into the electroweak force."
Though other evidence has helped buffer the union of these two forces, the discovery of the Higgs would seal the deal. "That's already pretty solid," Murray said. "What we're trying to do now is find really the crowning proof."
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