Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hypothesis(3) - Origin of Universe

Basic Foundation of Universe Phenomenon :-

Universal Bodies are made up of 2 main parts :-
(1) Physical
(2) Psychological

(1) Physical refer to 4 Great Elements :-

(a) Matter – eg. Earth, sand, mud, stone, rocks, graphite, carbon, body flesh, animal flesh, gems – gold, silver, bronze, diamond, topaz, jade, molecules, atom, proton, nucleus, etc.
(b) Air – eg. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, etc
(c) Liquid – eg. Water, blood, semen, plasma, pus etc.
(d) Temperature – eg. Boiling point, cold, hot, extreme hot, ice etc

o So the combination of the above will determine whether the condition in the celestial body is livable. Only the equilibrium of the 4 Great Elements will ensure whether a life is sustainable.

o Only when the 4 Great Elements reach equilibrium – then life can begin to form and evolved.

(2) Psychological refer to 5 Mental Aggregates that will evolve into life through 12 Dependant of Origination of Life through volition of Karma (Cause & Effects) –via life-continuum consciousness of rebirth with the underlying principle of Law of Impermanency.

- (Dwelling into this require a great deal of explanation of sublime subtleity of psychology, consciousness etc – will have to use many technical jargons and interpretation into layman term).

- Got time than talk about it.

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