Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hypothesis (2) - Origin of Universe

A few possible scenarios can be the “Origin of Universe”.

1st Scenario – representation of “0” – “Emptiness” or “Void” not “Nothing” – in profound Supramundane sense

(1) Universe – is an “Emptiness” or “Void” (not “Nothing”) – a heavy mass of “non-form” ie. Not matter, not a solid state. But a formless state, an invisible state, but with “heavy mass” of formless (er not sure what is the best word in English – can I called it energy – unless some physicist protest”) – a complex myriad of formless consciousness with volition (or should I call it humongous energy in English term or should I called it “black hole” – if physicists will not protest) – but more like “Bright Light” – a very intense concentration of formless concentration or sharp, dense focus of consciousness.

2nd Scenario – representation of “1” – An Omnipotent God – or One Creator of Universe – (whereby all celestial bodies within the Universe is a creation of the Creator and within the control of the Creator.

- So the Creator is Omnipotent that create everything within a Universe.
- The Creator is OmniBenevelence that has overwhelming Compassion that everything the Creator create, he will have overwhelming Compassion to ensure their well beings.
- The Creator is OmniPresence, whereby everything within the Creator Universe, the Creator is presence everywhere.
- The Creator has the value of No-Self, ie. Universe is the Creator, all diversity and every aspect of Universe is part of the Creator.

3rd Scenario – representation of “Infinity” – whereby all diversity, all gods and goddess, all living things, all celestial bodies is the Origin of Universe

- Under the Concept of Impermanency, everything arises will dies, and everything passed away will rebirth and regained its life in another form – like what we are living through now.

So under these concepts, is the Origin of Univere :-
(1) 0 or
(2) 1 or
(3) Infinity

- Can Science tell us?

Or could it be :-

Combination 1 – 1,0,Infinity combination that is the Origin of Universe

(1) A One-God (1) – in deep meditation of “Emptiness” of 1-pointed Jhana (0) – explode in diversity of (Infinity) – still in meditation (that he as 1, is in Supramundane & the Universe in Mundane).

• Combination 2 – Infinity,0,1 combination that is the Origin of Universe

(1) Infinity (Many living things of 5 mental aggregates & celestial bodies of 4 Great Elements) – capable of Supramundane (0) and at the same time able to unified the whole Universe into (1) Nirvana.

(2) This is called All-In-1, 1-In-All.

• Combination 3 – 0,1,Infinity combination that is the Origin of Universe

(1) In “Emptiness” or “Void” – of 1-pointed Jhana (0) expand into Oneness of Universe (1).

(2) Within the Oneness of Universe (1) – diversity evolved (Infinity).

• So can Science and Psychology tell us?

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