Saturday, December 1, 2012

Black Hole vs Bright Hole

In a Black Hole – it function as a destructive force in destroying all 4 Great Elements of form into formless.

In a 1-pointedness concentration – it is a “Bright Hole” that suck in and suppress all mundane consciousness, including 4 Great Element consciousness and transform into wholesome supramundane consciousness.

Both phenonmenon of “Black Hole” and “Bright Hole” is the same in the force of suction and in 1 pointedness concentration – as the centrifugal force.

Black Hole – is the scientific evidence – in the display of phenonmenon of 4 Great Elements (色)。

Bright Hole (Jhana or 1-pointedness concentration) – is the spiritual evidence – the phenonmenon of Supramundane Consciouness of 5 Mental Aggregates (空)。

Both Black Hole & Bright Hole – is identical in characterisics and behavior.

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