Sunday, November 18, 2012


(1) 1st Ring Fruition = No-Self (大舍) - Sainthood – Arahat or Pacceka Buddha – 1st time Perfection – attaining through 1-pointedness Samadhi concentration and expand into vastness of Space consciousness before detachment to body and mundane consciousness & inherit supramundane consciousness of Serenity and Equanimity.

(2) 2nd Ring Fruition – Compassion (大慈,大悲) – Boddhisattva – 2nd time Perfection that also encompass the attribute of No-Self – flicker, flicker to cover all cracks and crevices at every corner of Universe with Overwhelming Compassion to want to liberate all sentinent beings from mundane sufferings.

(3) 3rd Ring Fruition – Panna Wisdom (大徹,大悟,大智慧), – Buddha – 3rd time Perfection that also encompass the attributes of No-Self & Compassion – is a body mass or body shield that enwrap and encompass the Entire Universe – so that all sentinent beings of 10 direction of 10 realms be enwrap – whereby the last grain of sand and the last being will not be left out but enwrap in the 3 Ring Fruition.

(4) Meditator is the Mirror (明心見性) – that see the True Universal Law or Universal Truth

(a) Stray thoughts will not arise from within the 3 Ring Fruitions – thus no karma – no birth, no death – the State of Deathlessness.

(b) Stray thoughts from outside (which is just illusion – no more sentinent beings) cannot penetrate the 3-Ring Fruition – this is the 12 Dependent Origination of Life – birth and death. – or Adam & Eve theory (sperms & womb).

Thus, Sakyamuni Buddha told his disciples to use the Dharma Wheel for Reflection.

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