Sunday, July 15, 2012

Karmma & Rebirth

Where there is a state of existence (eg. Human realm, Animal realm – the visible eyes we see. The Heavenly realm, the Asura realm, the Hungry Ghost realm, the Hell realm – the visible eyes we cannot see) & there will be birth, subject to decay and final passing away – in the Universal Law of Impermanency.

What type of living things or non-living things on Earth, in Galaxies or even the whole Universe – what elements (matter) or living things will not go through the following stages of :-

(1) Birth

(2) Living through its Life

(3) Decaying or sickness

(4) Death or Decayed

The duration of its Life (or Permanency) until the point – it decay and passed away under the Universal Law of Impermanency is the Law of Karmma.

What is the Law of Karmma (in Science Newton Law of action and reaction can validate this)?

- Every single thought – will produce a karma (or outcome) – a subtle consciousness outcome – result in feeling (which can be positive, neutral or negative feelings).

- Every single speech – will produce karma (or outcome) – people respond to your speech – result in friendly verbal outcome or hostile verbal outcome or neutral verbal outcome.

- Every single action - will produce karma (or outcome) – people respond to your action – result in friendly reaction outcome or hostile reaction outcome or neutral reaction outcome.

• These different combination of actions and reactions called Karmma (is the “resources”) – that will sustain the duration of a Life.

• The collective karma (a society in which individual operates and coexist with one another) – bring about the resultant of the complex World we live today.

• It is our accumulation of karma before we passed away – will determine our eventual rebirth of either of the respective 6 realms – if we fail to eradicate our 3 evil roots of (Ignorance, Attachment and Hatred) – before we passed away – under the continuum resultant consciousness that will determine our rebirth.

• Our mind is a huge database – where we stored a humonogous amount of memories.

• Our karmic seeds is also as a huge database in our subconsciouness– where we stored all our accumulative posititve karmic seeds, negative karmic seeds or neutral karmic seeds – that determine our “happiness in life”, “unhappiness in life” – and our rebirth into each of the 6 realms if the 3 evil roots are not eradicated.

• The day before we passed away – is like “data mining” – where our continuum resultant consciousness of rebirth will do a complex calculation of which realm (or environment) we will rebirth in.

• If we do not want to be rebirth in any of the 6 realms of existence – we will have to eradicate our 3 evil roots – so that it will do a “permanent delete or degauss” all our karmic seeds from our continuum resultant consciousness – and land ourselves in a Eternal Blissful State of No Birth, No Death – known as Nirvana of Omniscience, OmniPresence – where 3 wholesome outcome will replace the 3 evil roots of Ignorance (of Universal Truth or Law), Attachment to (6 realms of existence of rebirth) and Hatred (for failing to meet our runanway, never-ending demands and expectations) – with 3 wholesome roots of Compassion, No-self (no Soul) and Panna Wisdom.

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