Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3 Heavenly Planes

Heavenly plane have 3 main types :-

(1) Sensual desire heavenly plane (慾界天)
(2) Form heavenly plane (色界天)
(3) Formless heavenly plane (出色界天)

(1) Sensual desire Heavenly Plane (慾界天)

In a Sensual Desire Heavenly Plane, the sense desires have still not been eradicated but because of good observation of the precepts, kind, a good person, it is reborn in this heavenly plane and is characterised by :-

(i) 5 sense consciousnesses have not been eradicated.

(ii) 5 mental aggregates (comprising 5 sense consciousnesses, feeling, perception, judgement and mental formation) have not been eradicated.

(iii) As the 5 sense consciousnesses and 5 mental aggregates have not been eradicated and manifested very much like human – the sense desires like what in human realm are manifested in about the same way except the environment in the heavenly realm are much better than in Earth because of the good karma the sentinent beings reaped in Earth.

(iv) This Heavenly Plane is the nearest to the Human realm.

(v) This plane is rule by a Supreme Being of this Heavenly Plane.

(vi) This Supreme Being have a life of celestial years (not Earth Year) – thus He see himself as being Eternal for eg. He create 0 – but live through the infinity of the Universe – but because He is still living in the “years of small Infinity” in which the 0 he created – He thought he is Eternal ---- because he has not reached the “Finite 1”.

Eg. 0 ------0.00000000001, …… 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ……… 0.99999999999999999 (small Infinity) – and has not reached 1 yet (which is finite)

Once he reached “Finite of 1” – only then He will know His Life and his Kingdom will come to an end – which is the end of the Universe – the 1st Universe.

Then the 2nd Universe will evolved.

1 ------1.00000000001, …… 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ……… 1.99999999999999999 (small Infinity) – to reached 2 – the end of 2nd Universe.

This will go on and on and on – unitl He and his Kingdom know how to attain No Birth, No Death.

(2) Form Heavenly Plane (色界天)

This Form Heavenly Plane is characterised by :-

(i) 5 sense consciousnesses have been suppress and controlled – but not eradicated.

(ii) 5 mental aggregates (comprising 5 sense consciousnesses, feeling, perception, judgement and mental formation) have been suppress and controlled – but not eradicated.

(iii) In this Form Heavenly Plane, as sense desires are largely controlled and suppressed, the sense desires will not manifest in this plane as long as the sense desires are controlled and suppressed by the 5 mental aggregates Emptiness (liken that of the black hole) – as the “black hole” or “rupa jhana” or “form jhana” suction is very powerful.

(iv) But once the black hole” or “rupa jhana” or “form jhana” suction lost its power, 5 sense consciousnesses & 5 mental aggregates – sense desires come back – and it will be a signal this plane will soon come to an end.

(v) (Note :- There are 4 sub Form Heavenly Plane – in which the consciousness and characteristics are very subtle and profound – so need not discuss here as these consciousness are not found in normal mundane human).

(3) Formless heavenly plane (出色界天)

(i) In this Formless heavenly plane, it is characterise by “Infinite spaces & consciousness”.

(ii) The consciousness are very subtle & sublime.

(iii) And when the Universe expand, the “Infinite spaces & consciousness” will expand.

(iv) And when the Universe contract, the “Infinite spaces & consciousness” will contract.

(v) In this Heavenly Plane, as He dwell in the Infinite spaces & consciousness that are OmniPrescence with the Universe, He thought he is Eternal – because of his subtlelity and sublimeness.

(vi) This Heavenly Plane is made up of 2 sub-planes – Percerption & Non-Perception Plane and Nothingness Realm.

(vii) But His life will stil come to an end because once the Universe he dwell in collapse – unless he has attained No Birth and No Death - and really understood – “what seems to be Infinity are indeed Finite” & “what seems to be finite are indeed Inifnity”.

But what in this Universe will not come to an end?
So everyone will know which type of Heavens One can go to – based on each individual’s characteristic and practice in Earth as described above.
(So sing praise to Higg and his scientists who have reinvent the Origin of Universe in the Lab !!!) And of course Einstein Law of Relativity.

Einstein Law of Relativity – is the clue in Science to No Birth, No Death …….


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