Sunday, February 19, 2012


Mental factors in equilibrium
When all mental factors reach equilibrium, one can easily enter into Jhana & fruition – in a wilfully blissful state. When one emerge from Jhana, the lingering effect of Jhana & fruition can go on for weeks & months. This effect will eventually wear off as one interact with the mundane world. However, 3 fruition remnants will be left behind – No-self, Compassion & Panna Wisdom.

1st-4th Rupa Jhana - is characterise by 1 pointedness concentration on a bright light nimittta (Form Jhana).
5th Arupa Jhana - is characterise by concentration on vast space, vast consciouness, vast light (Formless Jhana).
Fruition - is characterise by 3 concentric circles of Fruition whereby no stray thoughts arise from within and no stray thoughts penetrate the 3 attributes of No-Self, Illimitable Compassion & Panna Wisdom.

highly concentrated, meditative state
3 Phenomenon sets-in in a highly concentrated, meditative state :-1) You notice there is "no self" - no physical body, only consciousness - each consciousness is discrete - very distinct - that you can identify in discrete unit. You will then understand why Buddha says - our mind state is made up of 5 aggregates.(2) Your Wisdom set in - and become overwhelming. The knowledge become like many video clips that run, flash across your mind like a runaway train - almost non-stop. Any stimuli, any things you see or hear or smell or taste of your 5 aggregates - will trigger a whole overwhelming of knowledge. This is real Panna Wisdom. Not Intellectual Intelligence.(3) Your Compassion will develop - it can be so overbearing that you discover all human beings and other beings (animals, insects, environment) - are subject to so much sufferings - that you will discover this World, this Sea of Sufferings (like tsunami) is so overwhelming -- that you will develop overbearing Compassion - to want to save, to liberate all sentinent beings from these sufferings.

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